Part 14

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Toshinori POV:

"I'm your son's..." i look at aizawa who is shaking his head vigorously.. " friend. We spend a lot of time together."

"thought your best friend was hizashi." he says, looking back at aizawa

"n-not any more.." aizawa says, looking down at the ground kicking the grass like a little kid that got caught stealing extra cookies-(great analogy I know)

"shame, he was good for you. made you less depressing."

"He isn't depressing!" I exclaimed, expecting to get punched in the face-

"You don't know my son then. I don't know who you're talking about but it ain't Shota"

Aizawa looked at me and shook his head.. I.. I need to speak up no matter what! He's hurting aizawa and I'm not standing for it.

"It is Shota. He's kind, generous and likes to help others. Better than his stupid father." I said

And this time I did get punched-
Shit.. I can't fight in this form...
"Nice to meet you too sir."
So I ran.

Aizawa POV:

I told him.

"Hey dad.... could you maybe.. lay off.. I mean just... he's friends with all might and you might be in danger-"

I get cut off by him grabbing my wrist

"You think I'm too weak to take an idiot like all might? Go back to base."

He snaps my wrist and pushes me back before running after yagi.

"SHIT...." i hold my wrist in pain as i start heading back to the base.

Toshinori POV:

I hide behind the wall and change into all might. This will be a simple easy fight. I shouldn't be hurting anyone.. but this is for aizawas sake.

I step out in front of leon.

"I heard you were chasing after my friend, i can't stand for that."

"The fuck is it to you symbol of dicks."

"Ha! Hilarious!" I say as i quickly grab Leon's wrist, "i don't think you have the right to harm anyone."

"And i don't think you have the right to touch me." Leon says and quickly punches me in the gut... i fell back into the wall..


I laugh, "oh leon! How comedic." I grab his throat and push him into the wall.

"I.. guess shota never told his "best friend" His dad's quirk....."

I grab his throat tighter, "what about it?"

"I can't feel this idiot." He picks his legs up and kicks me in the face so i throw him down into the ground and hold my bleeding nose..

He can't feel pain?.... there has to be some kind of drawback.. he can't just not feel any pain.. without some kind of drawback..

But what could it be...

If there's some way.. i could get it to not work...

My thoughts are cut off by another punch in the gut. God that hurt-

"......shit..." i mutter

"What. Symbol of peace too weak to take a villain?"

"Of course not." I look up at him.

The fight continued for about half an hour. To the point that-

He's weak.. this is my chance.

I grab his throat.

"G-Get off me..."

"Or what."

"......shota won't be happy. At all. And my group will come for you."

"Why wouldn't he be happy. You're a disgusting excuse of a father."

"Doesn't mean I'm not his dad."

.....does aizawa really want him around..

".....please put me down... i-i'm gonna fucking die....."


" quirk goes away... when I'm close to death....."

I put him down

"Let's go talk to aizawa then." I say


He leads me back to the field.. aizawas still there..

Yeah uh i hope you liked this it took me forever to finish.....

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