Cringy Part 17 That I Hate

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Aizawa POV:

"Be right back." I mutter and i use my scarf to jump back up onto the building, grabbing shinsos arm as he tries to run.


"GET OFF ME TRAITOR." He struggles to try get his arm out of my grip

"I just wanna talk to you.. please shin.."

"I SAID GET OFF." Shinso punches me in the face with his free hand and steps back, "Dad.. i.."

"It's fine. Just go.." i say, holding back tears

"I'm sorry.. i panicked.. I'm really sorry.." he steps closer to me

I step back

"Just go give your evidence to nezu.. or wherever you were gonna take it..."

"It wasn't evidence. Traitor asshole."

I sigh and look down to yagi, "I'm gonna go back. Make sure shinso gets home safe." I start walking off


I roll my eyes and turn back to him, "What."

"I.. miss you.. and i want you back.. i hate living with mom and the schools so sad all the time, mics always angry or upset.. midnight doesn't talk and nezu never even comes out of his office.. the classes are all deathly silent.. and we haven't had any competitions or festivals since you left.. you were always there to talk to no matter what.. i miss you.."

I go over to him and hug him, "......I'm not worth all that.. and i want to come back.. i really do... but there's.. someone stopping me... and I'll never be trusted as a hero again anyways.."

"You might.. please try.. i can't do it anymore.. i hate it..."

"I.. fine... just for you kid.." i see yagi.. well all might come up in his strong form

"Go talk to mic.. okay kid? And nezu.. go tell everyone.." i say

"Tell them what?" All might asks and shinso immediately responds, "HE'S COMING BACK!"

All might looks at me, concerned, "w-what about.. him?-"

"He killed my mom. I think he'll live if i leave." I say and smile at shinso, "go on then kid."

Shinso quickly runs back to the school and i look at all might,
"Could you.. maybe.. uhm.. shrink? Is that the right word? I don't know.. sorry-"

Yagi deflates and hugs me, "...does it remind you of him.."

I nod and hug him back.. "anyways. Now i need to go get my stuff without dad seeing.. or shigaraki."

"I can help you! I could.. get you in and out of your window quickly!"

"Right.. then get us quickly to the school...... come on. Let's go. Now."


Yagi POV:

We approached the school.. i looked over at aizawa, "are you sure about this.."

"Not in the slightest." He holds my hand, shaking a little as we walk in.

We're immediately met by present mic, who quickly starts crying and hugging aizawa, muttering out so much information at once, it doesn't even sound like words anymore, yet aizawa understamds every bit of it.. true friendship if I've ever seen it..

"Yeah mic.. i know.. I'm back now though.. no more.. yelling at.. toast- what?-"


"Okay shut up now you stupid banana man." Aizawa tears up and starts laughing

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