Part 2

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(Lil sidenote: I literally don't even know why people like this.. genuinely-)

Toshinori POV:

I hadn't had the best day myself.. as class 1a's new teacher i was wearing myself out..

"How's your day been then?" The man said, looking away from me.

"Oh! Mine has been... okay" I responded to him, not really wanting to talk about it.. after all it would just immediately tell him who i actually am.

"Right.." The raven haired man continued to look away from me.. i thought he just might not want to talk to anyone.. he just asked me to stay here to be polite.. or he could just be lonely.. i-i- don't even know his name.

"What is your name?" I asked

Aizawa POV:

What do i say to that. What the hell do i say to that...

I frantically think of an excuse for him to not know who i am.. and i say-

"You don't have to get all buddy buddy with me.. really it's just a waste of time"

Nice going shota. You basically just rejected the hot guy. Hot? What is going on with me today..

I stand up.

"Well i should go.. my friends will wonder where i am..." i say

"Oh.. right.. okay.. sorry for keeping you..." The blonde man says, he clearly wants me to stay but i can't risk some hero seeing me out here.

"I'll see you around." I go back to the base and go straight to my room, ignoring everyone in my way.

Toshinori POV:

I sigh. He seemed nice.. i wish i could've spoken to him more but it was time to go home.

I walk back to my house and see a stray cat in the street.. it's black and has red eyes, i quickly picked up the cat and it snuggled up to me as i took it inside.


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. Then it was quickly ruined by the people doing roadworks outside. A dull start to my dull day.

I get dressed, make my way to UA and into my office.

"I wish i had some help around here at least." I say to myself, i feel like i just need someone in my life.. after i got divorced I've just been craving a new relationship.. something new.

Aizawa POV:

I wake up to tomura banging on my door with a-


"JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE TO GET READY THEN. JEEZ." I shout back, slowly getting out of my bed.

"Hurry up then." Tomura says before he walks away from my door. I know he hates me, everyone here hates me.. who am i kidding, nobody cares about me in this world.

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