Part 22

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Aizawa POV:

Fuck him. Fuck mic. Fuck everyone. Ill get out of this myself.. but im not going back to UA with that banana headed dickweed and the number one asshole. The one time i try to grow a relationship with someone and this is what happens. I'll just stay alone and die alone. Screw this shit.

Back at base, i went inside to find toga sat at the bar, talking to kurogiri

"Eraserface! Your dad came back! Hes not bad looking huh?~"

"I am not in the mood for your shit today."

I walked off to my room, locking the door behind me, i just need some space, and to pack up my shit, im escaping now and im not waiting around until stupid handyman catches me. I need to go now.

After i packed my stuff i left my room with a small bag. I dont have much. Now for the tent.. the spare room! Thats where we store everything.

I get to the room and open the door, just to find my worst nightmare on the other side.

"Dad i didnt know you were in here- i..I'll leave"

He's crying?

"Fuck off sho.." He can barely even muster the voice to tell me to fuck off.. this is awesome.

"Do you wanna talk about anything"

"What did you want."

"Just needed to get something."

"Quickly and quietly."

I nod and take the tent from the storage and turn to leave the room

"A tent sho? Why."

"Im going to stargaze."

"Since when did you care about stars."

"I always have youre just a shitty dad."

"As if. Minus the gay part, i raised you perfectly"

"Fucks sake." I go to walk out but he grabs my wrist, whenever he touches me i get this feeling of pure childlike fear.. like everything ive ever done to work on myself has just been rendered useless and im back to being that scared kid again..

"Sho. Dont go yet. Sit with me in silence for a bit."

I nod and sit next to him, looking down at my hands, i just want to go.. i want to run away more than anything... just let me out god dammit..

"Ive just been thinking about your mother is all.. i... she was the light of my life kid.. then that day i just.. snapped.. i didnt even know what i was doing i just.. i would give anything to have her back"

"..You... dont get to say that when youre the one that killed her."

"Sho dont be like that im trying to open up to you here."

"No! Okay? No." I stood up "you dont get to say any of that! You murdered her. You murdered your wife. My mother. The fact that you think you get to miss her just- UGH. Youre a pathetic MURDERER."

I dont know what else i expected to happen. He stood up and in an instant he grabbed my throat and shoved me against the wall, just far enough off the ground to make me at eye level with him

"Stop. Fucking. Talking. Yknow what sho. At least i have friends. At least people care about me. At least im not some pathetic little shortass gay hobo boy who cant think for himself. WHAT ARE YOU SHO."

"I.." i cough, gasping for air, "i.. im pa-pathe..tic"

I let out a large gasp and i cough as he punches me hard in the stomach

"And dont you forget it. Dont forget that your place in my world is FUCKING NOWHERE."

I nod and he drops me to the ground

"I didnt mean to hurt your mom. I loved her with everything i had. Youll never know love. All you had were those stupid fleabags and i chopped them up. It wasnt hard either. They didnt put up much of a fight. They were probably depressed enough as is with you bossing them around."

I get up and pick the tent back up, coughing loudly as i made my way out.. hes fucking brutal... i guess i overstepped.. fucks sake im such an asshole... im almost glad nobody loves me.

Toshinori POV:

Me and mic have been on the phone for about an hour now, hes heartbroken and.. so am i... id give anything for him to be back here with me right now..

"I am worried about him all might.. the way you told me he stormed out... we might never see him again"

Those words struck me directly in the heart, i felt tears roll down my cheek

"He.. he has to come back mic... i dont know what to do.. without him right now.."

"We have to find him. What did he say to you, that hes going back to base and then going to camp somewhere? We just have to go out looking for a homeless looking guy in a tent, it cant be that hard."

I sigh, we'll never find him, he's smart.. unless

"His field spot. Where i met him.. he has to be there."

"All might he could be anywhere.. but yeah... we'll check"

So we headed over there immediately.....

"Nothing.. hes really hiding from us..."

"I guess so.. i mean theres a few places me him and oboro used to go back in highschool! Lets try the forest!!"

"Why would he go to a forest?.."

"To hide duh."

So mic led the way and lo and behold, a green tent sat inbetween the trees, i ran over as fast as i could


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