Part 18

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Aizawa POV:

"Can we stay here all day..." i mumble and yagi chuckles

"Sadly not.. i like to make the most of my saturdays!"

"So sitting here with me isn't good enough for you" i smirk and look up at him

"Of course it is! That's not what i meant!...." he looks down at me and my smirk, "you're honestly going to test me after yesterday?"

"What do you mean?" I rub my eyes and yawn, is he seriously gonna bring that up now..

He pulls me up onto his lap and wraps his arms around me, it's so warm..

"I meant this part!"

Yagi POV:

I start tickling him again with a smile "don't test me eraser!", his laugh is too cute..

"STOP!! YOURE SUCH A-" He bursts into hysterical laughter. I found a weak spot. I laugh, "awh is aizawa ticklish."


I stop and i smile as he catches his breath

"You're blushing?" I say to him after noticing his red cheeks

"N-No I'm just.. out of breath-"

"You're so cute aizawa.."

"I just like feeling loved. It's nice.."

I hug aizawa tightly and sigh,
"Well aizawa.. i do love you."

"Are you sure.."

How is he still unsure of this... am i not trying hard enough.. or is it a self confidence thing..

"Well aizawa last i checked i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Okay calm down with the proposal shit- we've been together for like three days." Aizawa laughs and leans himself back into me, he's honestly so cute..

"I've been thinking.... if i.. went back to... being a hero... what'd happen.." Aizawa looks down

"I think you'd be seen as a spy or a traitor.. but people would be happy you're back.." i say to him, stroking his head

Aizawa sighs, "but what about..... my dad.."

Just as those dreaded words came out of his mouth, the phone rang

"Fuck i jinxed it." Aizawa picks up his phone, "gotta answer.. one sec.."

I take the phone from him and answer it, i know it's risky.. but it might be worth it in the end.., "who is this."

"Put sho on the phone."

"I'm not putting anybody on the phone. Leon what is your problem with shota."

"I don't have a god damn problem with the kid."

"Save it. I've seen and heard how you treat him."

"I don't lie. I have no exact issue with him. He just pisses me off."

"So you have no reason to hurt your child."

I can see aizawa panicking, he snatches the phone from me

"D-Dad I'm sorry... I'll be back tomorrow.."


"I'm sorry.."

"You're a dead man."

Aizawa ends the call, he's shaking vigorously, i quickly hold him close and rock him as he begins to cry.

Aizawa POV:

"Y-Yagi I'm scared..."

"I know my darling.... it's gonna be okay.." i blush and smile slightly

"Darling?" I look up at him

Yagi smiles and nods, planting a soft kiss on my forehead

I blush more, he knows exactly how to make me happy...

"I got this new game on my phone.. it's got cats.. they make soup and stuff.." i quickly take yagis phone, he has a cat game. I want to see the cats.

I unlock his phone

"How did you know my password!?"

"Babe. 'IAmHere'? Seriously? I was joking- you need to change that-" i go onto the cat game and let out a huge gasp

Yagi laughs and puts his arms around me, watching me play the game over his shoulder for about an hour.

"Zawa.. isn't it getting a bit repetitive?"


"Okay that's enough screentime." He takes the phone and i groan, crossing my arms with a pout

"How old are you again."

"Oh shut up-"

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