Part 25

26 1 1

Aizawa POV:

Its the morning. Surprisingly i have a suit to wear today, toshi got up early to iron it for me.. hes so lovely-

I need to look my best. I need to show nezu that im willing to put in any amount of effort it takes. So i tied up some of my hair to create a half uo half down look and i used a dot of concealer to hide my dark circles... okay i used more than a dot.

I put on my suit and i was ready to go. But i needed breakfast first, mic spent most of the night making me a food reminder chart that i can tick off so i dont forget to eat. Hes so caring..

I get to bring shinso to school with me, which is just amazing.. ive missed it so much, our morning walks...

"Hey dad you look good. And like a tryhard."

"Thanks shin" we smile at eachother and i look over at toshi, whos staring at me blankly, i smirk

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"You.. you look amazing-"

"Thankyou toshi" i walk over to him and lean on the side of him, hes back in his all might form, he shouldve had this house custom built.. hes struggling to use the stovetop- "whats for breakfast?"

"Pancakes!! And/or bacon if you want any!"

"Sure" i smile and pull him down, kissing his cheek, "youre too tall"

Shinso walks over to us and leans on the counter, "so how long have you guys been together?"

"Uhm.. really not long..."

"Have we even.. said were... together?"

"I guess not- Aizawa, will you be my boyfriend?"

"You arent proposing" i laugh

"How am i supposed to ask?!"

"It doesnt matter, the answers yes." We smile at eachother then i look at shinso, "weve been together 3 seconds."

He rolls his eyes with a slight smile and sits down.
"Oh yeah all might whats with the cat? I didnt know you had one?"

I look at all might, staring daggers at him. "You have a cat. And you didnt tell me."

"Shinso!" He sighs, "she was a surprise.. i forgot that spare room was full of her toys... i found her after the first day i met you and ive been hiding her quite well from you especially given the fact shes constantly roaming around the house!"



Toshi POV:

He ran around the house for about 4 minutes before finding her, he came to the dining room with the cat and shared his breakfast with her, isnt he the sweetest! I love him..

"Aizawa im sorry but we have to go now!"

"Awh come on... i have a cat.."


"Fine..", he kissed the cats forehead, "behave yourself you lil fuzzy fluffy baby"

When we got to UA i kissed aizawa on the cheek and wished him good luck before heading to my class and taking a seat

"Im so sorry im late kids! Th-There was traffic!"

"Youre such a bad liar." Shinso was stood in the doorway smirking at me

"Shinso get to class!"

"Fiiiine fine." He walked away down the corridor, i wish he was in my class, hes a good kid.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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