Part 9-

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Aizawa POV:

I feel yagi put his arm around me..

"I don't want your sympathy okay. Don't even think about trying to help because you'll make things worse." I snap

"I wasn't going to say anything..." he replies

"Right....." i lean on him and rest my head on his shoulder

There was silence for about ten minutes.. i was just watching the water.. if yagi tried to help me... he'd be hurt.. and I'm not letting that happen...

After a few more minutes i hear a doorbell..... yagi gets up and heads to the door, he opens it and i see shinso, i quickly get up and hide behind a wall..

Toshinori POV:

"Ah! Shinso.. i.. forgot you were coming.." i say

"Is there an issue? You hiding somethin?"

"No!" I quickly reply

"Then I'm coming in." He walks in and i panic..

Shinso sits down "strange how you didn't know i was coming but you made two cups of coffee.. just tell me who's here and i won't tell your class."

"....i-it's nobody.." i say

Shinso gets up and looks around

Aizawa POV:

I know he's going to find me either way.. he's as stubborn as i am... so i step out from behind the wall..

"Oh. It's you." Shinso looks at yagi, "I'll come back tomorrow."

"Shinso please.." i say

"I don't wanna hear it traitor. I'm leaving." He walks to the door and gets stopped by yagi

"Please shinso.. listen to your father." He says

"He's no father of mine. Now will you move or not?" He smirks at yagi

"I'm not moving until you and aizawa talk this out." He immediately gets controlled by shinso.

"Funny thing about that. You are." He makes yagi move out of the way and leaves before turning off his quirk.... that kid has potential.. i miss him so much..

"Yeah.. he does that.." i say to yagi and he groans

"He really doesn't want to talk to you huh?" Yagi asks me

"I know..i miss him.." i say back and sit down, drinking my coffee

"I'm sorry.."

"It's not your fault yagi.."

"Next time I'll try harder to help.." he says

"It doesn't matter.. he'll grow up better without someone like me anyways.. i bet he's living with his mom now.. they'll be happier.."

He hugs me again.. jeez this guy loves hugs huh.

He sits down next to me and i shuffle away..

"Sorry aizawa.."

"No I'm not.. used to it i guess.. it's weird.." i say

"Not used to it?" I just never had someone hug me so much.. it's weird. It's nice.. but weird..

"It's just weird.." i say again

"I won't then if it makes you uncomfortable" he says

I regretted what i said-
I wanted him to hug me... but I'm not gonna say that. Makes me sound like a weak little baby running to his damn mommy for cuddles.

"Okay.." i say

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