Part 15-

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Toshinori POV:

We head back to the field and obviously aizawa isn't there anymore..
"How could we get him to come ba-"

"Shut it symbol of ass I'm calling him."

A wave of silence washes over us for about ten seconds.. then-


Aizawa POV:

" told me to come back to base.. you snapped my wrist kurogiris treating it..."

"Oh fuck off I'd never say that. Come back here this god damn minute. Or I'm finding your 'best friend' AND KILLING HIM WHERE HE STANDS."

Dad ends the call and i leave base again, going back to the field.. Yagis with dad.. rather.. all mights.. with dad.

"What took you so long." Dad snaps at me

"I had to walk here.. i can't teleport."

I see all might holding back a laugh, stood behind dad.

"And kurogiri wasn't available?" Dad asks

"Nah he's too busy. Got his head up shiggys ass"

All might bursts out laughing and i smile, always nice to put a smile on someone's face.. even if they smile all the time..

"Fucks sake shota." Dad grabs my arm and pulls me over to them

Toshinori POV:

I manage to hold back the rest of my laughter to say:

"Your father and i have been... talking. And he says.. you still think of him as your dad.. and wouldn't want him hurt.."

"I... i don't want him hurt.. no matter what he's still my dad.." i get as a response

My heart sinks.. aizawas really putting up with all this just because he's family?

"I personally think that if family upsets you to an extreme on a daily basis.. or even a weekly basis.. then they aren't family."

"But.. he's my only family.."

"And it's staying that way isn't it sho." Leon says


"May i talk to you in private aizawa?"

Aizawa POV(ik i keep switching but.. pL0t):


To be honest i wanted to get away from dad.. right now.. my mind keeps comparing yagis strong form.. to dad.. but do i wanna be alone with yagis strong form.. it makes me feel like I'm gonna get hurt.. I'm scared of it...

"You.. seem quite lost in thought there aizawa! Let's go..." Yagi says and drags me far away from dad.

Thank god.

"Hey yagi could you do me a favour and.. go back to the normal you?.."

He hesitates and looks around

"Of course.. but why.." he deflates and looks at me, clearly worried

"...i just prefer it."

"Okay.. anyways... i just wanted to ask.. is the reason you told me yesterday your real reason for becoming a villian?"

"Obviously." I snap at him

"Right.. sorry aizawa i just wanted to check that it wasn't anything to do with your father.." i pause.. "You.. want a hug?"

I quickly hug him and he hugs me back

"We gotta head back.." i say and we walk back to dad

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