Part 8-

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Toshinori POV:

"No... there's bigger and better houses out there.. i wouldn't be too amazed.." i say

"What!? How!?" He says and i laugh

We walk in and i lock the doors behind us as aizawa looks around the house

"That's an elevator. That's a freaking elevator." He says

"I struggle sometimes getting up the staircase.. so i had that put in.." i explain and he continues to look around

"POOOOOOL" i hear him scream followed by a huge splash....... he really loves this place huh..

"THIS IS SO COOL! IT HAS GLASS PANELS..." i laugh at him as i look over, he gets a message on his phone but is too occupied looking over the glass panel into the distance..

I decide to pick up the phone and sees he got a message from a "dickhead#1" before putting it back down.... okay.. so who could that even be-

Aizawa POV:

I turn around to see him putting my phone down

"...did i get a message or something?"

He nods... did he just try checking my messages.. what the hell.

I swim over and pick up the phone... why is my dad messaging me...
I get out and he calls me.. why is he calling me... do i answer.. i should answer..

....i hesitantly answer the phone..

"THE HELL ARE YOU TAKING SO LONG TO ANSWER FOR. WHAT ARE YOU DOING." He immediately screams down the phone and i see yagi look up from the ground at me

"I.. i was just texting dabi.." i say back


"I'm.. I'm not.."

Toshinori POV:

I watch him and i can see he's scared.. i don't know what to do... i just freeze and watch him.. i can hear screaming on the other end of the line and watch aizawa start to shake.. he looks terrified.. who is he talking to...

"No you don't have to... no no no.. Please dad.. he didn't......... I'm sorry.. bye.." aizawa ends the call and quickly sits down

"Aizawa.. that was your father?" I ask

"Don't even.. i don't wanna hear it." He replies in a harsh tone

"....right.." i say and i sit by him... he clearly has a lot to talk about.. one day i might be able to help him..

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