Backstory:Aizawa⚠️Ab*se ⚠️and muRd*r

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Age 10:

My mom and i... we were very close.. whenever i was scared she would hold me... whenever she was scared I'd try to do the same for her.... dad being in the house made this all a regular occurance..

One day i was sat in my room.. just playing with a cat plush my mom had bought for me just two weeks prior.. when my dad burst in.


"S-Sorry dad!.." i got up and began to clean, quickly getting stopped by dad grabbing my throat and lifting me to his eye level.

"And what the fuck are you doing playing dollies. Like a little gay princess. Grow up."

I teared up, "i-im sorry..."

"You should be." He threw me down and kicked me hard in the ribs, over and over. But by now. My mom had had enough..

"LEON! LEON STOP IT! HES OUR CHILD! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" She ran over and pulled him away, resulting in her being shoved out of my room and down the stairs, dad running down after her and grabbing her by the hair, i watched in horror as he bashed my mothers head into the corner of the wall, over and over again, until the screams stopped..

"D-Daddy..." i started to cry, Dad let go of my moms body, i could see the tears in his eyes, it's obvious to me now he regretted what he did.. but of course he'd never let me think that..

"Say a word. And you're next. G-Got it kid?"

I ran to my room crying... and from then on i became dads servant..

"ANOTHER DRINK. NOW SHO." ...that one was the day he stabbed me with half a bottle..

"Do you want me to hit you? Is that it? No? THEN HURRY UP AND COOK." He burned me with a hot pan that time..

But the majority of my upbringing was him.. 'Building my tolerance to the world' ........He never let me leave the house unless it was for school or buying him alcohol..

He only ever lied to me once.. and that was when i told him i was calling the police... he told me i had to be over 18 to call them... and nobody ever told me any different. Mainly because he was the only person i was allowed to talk to until highschool..

I thought the whole world was against me until i met mic and oboro.. i built up the courage to ask them about the police.. and then i called them... i told them about the drugs he'd been taking recently.. and he was arrested.. but it didn't take long for him to break out and almost kill me via torture...

Looking back on all this.... it... hurts..

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