Better Part 17

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"Be right back." I mutter and i use my scarf to jump back up onto the building, grabbing shinsos arm as he tries to run.


"GET OFF ME TRAITOR." He struggles to try get his arm out of my grip


He stops, "Fine. Just let go of my damn arm."

I let go and he just glares at me

"....why'd you leave me." He asks


"You what."

"I wanted to take you with me... but you'd be safer there when i left.."



"YOU KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT. HAVE A SHIT LIFE." He says and he starts walking away from me as all might jumps up

"Shinso! Come back for a second!" He says

Shinso groans as he walks back over, "what does other traitor want."

Yagi POV:


"I'm not..", i look at aizawa then at shinso, "Just... you two are the exact same.. and you're both being stubborn. You still have a chance to make things right between eachother!"

Aizawa and shinso look at eachother.....

.....they.. keep staring-

...........Is this a family thing-

Shinso leaps forward and punches aizawa hard in the face, "Now we can get along."

Aizawa freezes in place.....

Oh god he's gonna lash out isn't he-

"R-Right..", he stutters..

"To be honest dad i was thinking about joining yo-"

"NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT." Aizawa cuts in

"Uhm.. aizawa.. is it about..." i ask

"Of course it is. What isn't." He replies in a very stern tone

"....maybe you should tell shinso!" I suggest to him

"Tell him? I'm not fighting for his sympathy here.."

"So my dad's an asshole. Great." Shinso looks away from us and i see him slightly tear up

What is aizawa trying to do here...

"Shinso your dad's a lovely person!" I say with a smile

But shinso ignores me

"Why the hell did you even wanna talk to me anyways if you're just not gonna do anything! You don't wanna explain yourself. You abandoned me and mom for no reason in my eyes!"

"Well your mom can go- okay not about her. But i just... I'm not risking..." aizawa sighs, "forget this ever happened kid.. have a good life." He walks away and slides down the side of the building.

I look at shinso, he's looking down at the floor... i stand there for a minute to make sure he's okay before turning around to leave

"Do you know?" Shinso stared at me, i could see the sadness in his eyes, while it isn't my secret to tell.. i really want to help them.

I turn back to him

"Your dad... well.. your grandfather isn't the nicest man in the world.. let's put it that way. He hurts your dad for.. no actual reason and just makes him feel terrible.. i think........ if you go back with him then.. he'll find out aizawa isn't with your mother still. And he'd get very mad.."

"Oh... shit-" shinso stands there in silence looking at the floor, "So why does that involve me"

Ohhhhh no... okay this could be bad i overstepped...

"Well if uhm.. leon finds out that you're his son.. that'll be another secret that's been kept from him.. and i think he's homophobic enough to hate the idea of two gay men having a child in the house.. that- if you wanna live with us! Of course that's your desicion!.. sorry shinso..." i bow, i went too far with that-

Shinso POV:

So desperate-

"So my dad's been abused.. my grandads.. abusive and a homophobic dick.. and i can't even join the league through this.." i scoff and smirk slightly "well this has been a waste of time.." i start to walk away and the skeletal structure itself grabs my wrist

"Please shinso give him a chance! He's really nice and just wants to be a good father!"

I can see his veins. And ribs. He needs some more flesh-

"..fine. I'll see you tomorrow." I snatch my hand back and leave, what a weird day..

Aizawa POV:

I watch yagi come down

"Thanks.. i heard every word.."

"That's.. great hearing aizawa!"

"It's what made me a good teacher... friends with all my students because i overheard their gossip.. ready to go back to yours? Dad's normally drunk around 6:08 and it's 6:04 now."

".......Yes- of course lets go"

Getting way too comfortable sho..

At yagis house

"This house is gonna blow me away every time..."

"Pool?" Yagi says with a smile

"Always." I laugh and take my shirt off, running outside and diving in

I can hear yagi laughing, i love knowing someone like me can make him happy..

"Watch out!" I came up from the water and saw yagi turn into his all might form.... oh. Fuck.

He took off his shirt. And jumped in next to me.

I swear the man caused a tsunami in the next town over.

I laugh and hold onto him, I'm getting used to this form..

Yagi smiles and kisses my forehead, "you're very cute aizawa.."


"Very cute."

I blush and sink myself under the water, cute is not the word id use for anyone but well.. him-

He pulls me back up and puts his hands on my waist with a slight smirk, "so you accept it?~"

I start blushing more

"Stop making me blush it's really embarrassing.." i say with a smile

This form definitely does not scare me anymore.. he holds me close and once again.. one thing leads to another~

The next morniiiiiing

"Wake up aizawa!! It's the weekend!"

"That's all the more reason to sleep." I mumble and turn away from him, covering my face over

"Don't you want to make the most of it?"

"Like what.."

"We could... uhm.. go on a date!!"


Yagi POV:

I sigh and sit by him, stroking his head, making him automatically curl up like a cat, turning over and putting his head on my lap, he's smiling.. it's so cute..

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