Take Me Back To Where Things First Began

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A couple days pass since Grian's recovery and he wouldn't leave Xisuma's side. At least that was until today when he needed to be in the shopping district alone. 

Grian was casually fixing his barge after nothing being repaired for the past three weeks.

When he was finished fixing the hole, Grian leaned against the chests and caught his breath. The wound on his stomach, made it hard for him to gain his strength back.

Ever since the vision he'd only been sleeping a little bit, if not at all.

Grian couldn't remember what had happened in prison, but he knew that he had only escape.

Not only did he need answers, he needed to get his memories back. As quick as they're made, they disappear. Xisuma couldn't find anything wrong in his code, so Grian figured it had to be the original attacks that are causing his memory loss. There wasn't anything they could do about it.

Grian let out a breath, only to gasp when he saw that he could see his breath coming out of him.

Before he could run, he was surrounded by a cage made by watcher magic.

The Watcher in question walked up to him with his hands behind his back.

"Y'know, I like the Watchers. They and I share qualities."

"Sadistic qualities."

"Ah, so you do remember what I've done to you in your past."

"Let me go. I am not your problem. I'm a Watcher problem."

"If you don't remember I'm a Watcher as well, Greon. Turned, just like you. Except I'm loyal and not a convict."

"You have no sense of compassion or good will. You see to their ways like a puppy and follow every order they give you. The longer you go like this, the more you will become a shell in your own mind. You'll become nothing but a zombie."

"Oh Greon... That only happens when you can't handle the powers."

"They're using you to get to me. The moment I am dead is the moment they'll discard you like a small piece of trash."

"No they won't. They love me more than you."

"That's what they told me. And that's what I thought for years. They told me that they saved me, but then they destroyed every world I owned. They don't love you. They're using you because you have connections to me."

"You're lying, Greon."

"You're blind with allegiance. You don't know what is real and what isn't."

Sam lit his hand on fire, Grian groaned in pain, "Enough talk. Sleep. Watcher boy."

Grian couldn't say anything before darkness surrounded him.


Grian awoke in a cell. The mark of the Watchers glowing brightly as his body trembled through the sharp chill of the cell. He could only see himself in a mirror.

No shirt, chains against his wings and ankles. He could start to see the beginnings of the Watchers' most dangerous way of syphoning out magic.

They've only used this method twice in his lifetime, Grian never thought that he'd be the next to endure this torture.


"Soon his magic will be completely siphoned out... And then his body will be too weak to carry his life and he'll freeze to death. How do you feel about this, Samuel?"

"A convict deserves to die." Sam responded, the Watcher hummed.

"Good. Now go get Xisumavoid and anyone who may protect him and bring him here."

"Yes master Watcher."

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