The Dawn of a New Leader

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The following afternoon when Grian got out of solitary, he went straight to where the other members were, and was surprised to see Xisuma with them. He walked straight up to Xisuma;

"I need to talk to you."

Then he continued walking. When he realized Xisuma didn't follow him, he looked back at him and made his eyes flash black.

"NOW. X."

"You better go." Ghost whispered to Xisuma, "He seems mad. You never want to test his patience when he's mad."

"Right." Xisuma said then ran to go meet Grian. He quickly found him in their cell. "Grian, is something wrong?"

"No." He replied quickly, "It's much more than that. So much more, and I can't have the rest of the Wings knowing."

"What's going on?" He asked taking Grian by the shoulders.

"The corruption is so much worse than we had initially thought." Grian said, "But I've found a way to control it. It's all connected to my negative emotions, primarily fear and anger. It's why I nearly killed Trace during the fight. But I need your help in doing so."

"Grian, I can't help you control your emotions."

"That's not what I'm asking, X." Grian said, "But what I'm asking is for you to stay by my side while I control this more. I know you will, but anger is the biggest trigger for this thing. And if anyone else knew the entire compound would go into chaos."

"Okay, I will help you as much as I can. And you know that." Xisuma assured, "How far are we on the holocall?"

"We've only been here a couple days, so not far. I'm still in need of some items. Such as the wiring and that glass being the major components. I can't start working until I get those. I'm only scared on how Hermitcraft is doing."

"You're not alone."



"I don't know Iskall! I walked in on them being knocked out then I was knocked out." Mumbo protested, "I seriously don't remember anything afterwards. I came straight to you when I woke up on the floor in Grians' hobbit hole."

"You woke up on the floor?"

"Yes, but that's not the point."

"But you woke up on the floor."

"GRIAN AND XISUMA ARE MISSING. Get your head together! That's not what's important." Mumbo scolded hitting Iskall over the head, "We need to talk to the rest of the hermits and find out what the rest of them knew."

"Then call it to the town hall. I'll meet you over."

<Mumbo> We have a problem, come to the town hall immediately.

<GTWScar> Redstone problem or midlife crisis problem

<Mumbo> It's more than that. People are in danger.

After closing his communicator, Mumbo ran into Iskall's nether portal then went to the shopping district portal to have fast travel.

After a few minutes, every hermit was in the town hall. Mumbo stood atop the diamond throne to catch each hermits attention.

"Guys, shut up a moment. Okay?" Mumbo shouted, "We are all in danger. Grian and Xisuma are both gone. They've been kidnapped by what I assume was a hunter of some sort. But that also leaves us vulnerable because they were our protectors. No body should go alone anywhere, it's too dangerous. Plus there are two Watcher portals open to my concern still. And we have no idea how they work or what could come through them. We'll assemble a rescue party in four days if they aren't back."

"Four days could be too long." One of the hermits said, "What if we don't hear from them?"

"This is Grian and Xisuma we're talking about! They know what they're doing. They know how to survive. Plus Grian is resourceful, he's been able to get calls through dimensions before, I'm positive he'll be able to do it again." Mumbo said, "They're going to be fine. I'm sure of it. We just need to give them time. Until then, don't go anywhere alone."

"Everyone is in danger."

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