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Darkness is strong.

I don't remember much, but I knew when I woke up, my chest felt heavier.

I knew when I blinked my eyes and the bright, but dimmed white lights were nearly blinding, I wasn't home.

Beside me stood a man with a clipboard. I could see his eyes glance down at me, he smiled at me. But it wasn't an unsettling smile.

It was a happy smile, relieved, calm.

"Well good morning little hermit." He spoke to me, "How are you feeling after your surgery?"

"Surgery?" I tried saying but only came out as a small squeak.

He hummed before shining a light in my eyes, "I guess you wouldn't remember. Or know.. Do you know your name?"


"Interesting." The doctor walked around to a nearby drawer and brought out a small device with a screen, "This device here can help me see if you have a mild case of memory loss or if you have amnesia. Just stay still for me, okay?"

I only nodded, then heard the device humming. Within seconds it was done and the room was semi silent.

The heart monitor was still beeping, I could hear the oxygen machine going as well.

"You have mild amnesia, let me call your friends really quick then we'll sit you up."


Xisuma was talking to Iskall and Mumbo when his phone rang.

"It's the hospital. One sec." Xisuma said then answered, "Xisumavoid."

"You already know it's Dr. Young, I wanted to let you know that Grian has woken up, there's a small thing though."

"Which is?"

"He has a mild case of amnesia. But it'll wear off eventually."

"Is he going to be okay?"

"He'll be perfectly fine."

"Okay. We'll be down in a bit." He hung up, "So, Grian has a mild case of amnesia. But he's okay regardless."

"Had us worried for a moment."

Within an hour all the hermits were at the hospital, and Xisuma was the first in.

"Ah, Xisuma. Welcome, you know where he's at."

"Yeah, thanks." He walked into Grian's room, he smiled as he let his helmet visor retract and sat next to Grian, "Hey, buddy."

Grian only smiled, "Hey, X."

Xisuma cocked an eyebrow at him, "I thought he had amnesia?"

"He does, it's weird, I'm surprised he knows you."

"I guess not everything was hit." 

Xisuma gently grabbed Grian's hand, "The other hermits are waiting outside. Do you wanna see them?"

"Other hermits?"


"So you only remember me? You don't remember Mumbo or Iskall? Or even Scar?"

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