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Xisuma watched over Grian, refusing to leave his side as he watched over Grian's limp body.

I knew this was a bad idea and I still let you talk me into letting you fight.

Why did I let you fight?

Why did I let you convince me that you were okay enough to fight?

I just need you to be okay...

I need you to come back to me.

Stay with me...

I knew I shouldn't have left you alone.

I knew I shouldn't have let you fight.

But I still did it because you wanted space and you wanted to prove to me that you're okay.

But you're not.

You've not been for a long time.

Why didn't you just listen to me?

Why didn't you just...

Xisuma wiped his eyes clear, "Dammit, Grian..."

I need you to come back to me.

I need to see your eyes again.

Your blue irises have always brought a smile to my face.

I'm not wanting to leave you alone.

Not anymore.

Not until you're at full strength.

There will be no exceptions this time.

I don't care.

No matter what you say...

It will not keep me away from you.


He looked at the voice.


"Xisuma, you've been here for a week." Scar said, "You need to come back home."

"I'm not leaving him, Scar."


"I just told you, I'm not leaving him."

"Xisuma! You need to come home." Scar demanded walking in front of him so he was looking at him and not Grian, "You need to get some air."


"Grian will still be here when you come back. There's always someone watching him here, I made sure of it. He's in good hands X. Come. Home."

Xisuma admitted defeat and walked out of Grian's room with Scar.

Over the next couple weeks, Xisuma made sure to visit Grian often but not spending the night.

He was stocking one of his shops when he got a call.


"Hello, this is Dr. Young. I'm the doctor taking care of your friend Grian."

"He's my boyfriend. Is.. Is he okay? What's going on?"

"Take a breath, Mr. Void. He's doing quite well actually. He's off the ventilator and is currently just on oxygen. He's due to go in for surgery in a week to put a pacemaker on his heart and we need you to come into the room to sign the paperwork approving it."

"Will it kill him?"

"I understand your worry. It will not harm him, it will only help him. We do need you to come in and approve the paperwork though."

"I'll be on my way in five minutes."

He went and signed the paperwork, within the next week Grian was being put through surgery.

Within that day, Xisuma and the hermits were in a meeting room waiting for the call, it had gotten relatively late but they all wanted to hear the call.

When it finally rang at quarter to midnight, Xisuma answered it and put it on speaker.


"Sorry for the late call, but we wanted to let you know that the surgery was a success. Grian is perfectly safe and healthy. You can visit him tomorrow afternoon."

Xisuma let out a relieved breath and leaned against the back of the chair.

"That's wonderful news. Thank you so much. How many of us can see him at a time?"

"Preferably four."

"Okay... Okay.. We'll be there tomorrow then."

The call ended, everyone could feel the weight of worry being lifted off their shoulders.


"I'm okay, Doc.. I'm okay.. I'm just happy that Grian's going to be okay."

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