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"So what are we going to need Grian?" Xisuma asked, "You're the expert."

"I wouldn't go as far to say 'expert' but we are going to need a few items." Grian replied standing up and walking to the cell door and making sure there were no guards around to hear them, "I'm gonna need copper wiring, tweezers, screwdriver, some screws, which are in the workshop, some special lenses... which are in the glass department... And that laser module that's in your communicator. But we'll cross that road when we get there."

"Wait how do you know where all this stuff is? I don't even know, I was only imprisoned for about a month."

"That makes us two very different Watchers, X. I was here for four years. There's only two ways to get through prison."

"And those are?"

"Option one is you get into a prison gang, which I'm actually in two..."

"Second option?"

"A body bag. But speaking of my old prison mates... I wonder.."

Grian walked over to the edge of his bed and looked under the thing considering it was three feet off the ground.

"It's still here."

"What is?" Xisuma asked, "Also prison mates?!"

"I was released due to an... unfortunate accident with the crime scene, they had no evidence to convict me. But my gang is called the EnderWings. We were, and probably still are, the most feared gang in the entire complex."

Grian stood up after grabbing two items on the underside of the bed. One item was a bobby-pin and the other was a pager with an .E.W. on it.

"The EnderWings, we have roughly seven members. They're probably still mad because they got caught escaping and I didn't protect them. But they still show loyalty."

"They show loyalty to someone who basically left them for dead?" Xisuma asked, "Also what's the pin for?"

Grian pressed the pager button and heard six other beeps in the room, he put the pager in his pocket then snaked his hands through the cell bars and started picking the lock with the pin.

"To unlock this door so we can meet up with the Wings." Grian said as the door unlocked and Grian opened the cell.

"I'm still trying to process all of this. You're a gang leader who's in charge of the most ruthless gang in all of Watcher history... but you're so sweet."

"In here, X... It's either you get out because of unforeseen circumstances, or you leave in a body bag. There is no nice or sweet Grian here. So get used to ruthlessness." He then motioned Xisuma to follow him down to the lower levels. Grian had a half-limp all the way down.

"The EnderWings usually meet in this hall. Don't do anything stupid and let me do the talking." Grian whispered as they saw the multiple dark coloured wings of each member.

Their murmuring was incoherent as the two hermits walked up to them.

"EnderWings." Grian said, "It's been a while."

The second in command chuckled as he looked at Grians' near-corrupted state, "Well. The king has returned. What landed you back here? Thievery?"

"Treason and corruption, actually. I have a job for you guys."

"Not even one day back and you're already thinking you can come in here and begin to demand orders from us."

"Have you forgotten that the last person to doubt me died to my hand? So are we going to keep testing my patience, or are we doing this job?"

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