The Missing Link

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Xisuma slammed Sam against the wall of the diamond throne as four other hermits were behind him.

"WHERE'S GRIAN!?" Xisuma shouted, "I know you are apart of this."

"Your boy toy is fulfilling his prison sentence." Sam strained when Xisuma put his sword against his throat, "You won't get to him in time."


"How do we always get ourselves into these kinds of messes?" Xisuma groaned as the chains around his wrists jingled, "We just escaped from prison three days ago."

"YEAH WELL LIFE ISN'T ALWAYS PERFECT X." Mumbo said, nearly shouted.

"Mumbo, quiet your voice." Xisuma hissed, "This isn't about me."

"Right it's about Grian. Where have you been for him lately? He's been kidnapped twice!"


The five hermits where then thrown into a cell and Xisuma had a power dampening collar around his neck.

"This is demeaning." Xisuma groaned then looked across the hall, "Oh Void... Grian!"

"What're they doing to him?" Scar asked when he Saw Grian shivering, and purple streaks coming off his figure, "He doesn't look good."

 "They're draining him of his power in the most dangerous way." Xisuma whispered, "I don't know how long he's been here but that can kill him. We need to get to him before he freezes to death."

"That's one way glass, he can't see or hear us." Iskall said interrupting Xisuma, "There's no way we're getting out of here unseen either."

Xisuma thought for a second, "What if I told you I know someone who can get in and get out without notice?"

"We wouldn't believe you." Scar said annoyance in his tone.

"Well we can't just leave him in there." Ren said attempting to break the tension, "He might get hurt... Or worse."

"Ren." Xisuma threatened, "His wings will break of frosting before he'll die, and that's more painful than the magical siphoning itself."

Xisuma and the hermits knew they had to move quickly. Grian looked to be on the verge of death any second. He saw something long and sharp on the ground and grabbed it.

"And what are you going to do with that needle?" Mumbo asked when Xisuma walked to the door.

"Pick the lock. I learned some tricks from Grian." Xisuma said then snaked his hands through the thinner bars and began picking the lock rather uncomfortably, "These bars are closer together than the last block we were in."

When the lock was fully picked, Xisuma quickly moved to unlocking the collar and that went faster than the cell lock.

"Let's go." Xisuma said running across the way to Grian's cell.

Grian had stopped moving, stopped shivering, stopped... breathing.

Xisuma broke the lock and got the 'door' opened and ran immediately to Grian who had stiffened completely.

"Grian?" Xisuma said worriedly, "Oh no, no, no, no."

Scar put two fingers on Grian to feel his pulse, "He's got a pulse, but it's faint."

"Then let's go. Now."

Xisuma picked up Grian and the hermits all quickly made their way to the portal room.


Xisuma gasped, "Grian, stay with us, we're gonna get you home. Don't worry. We'll get you home and you'll be okay."


"Don't speak. We'll protect you."

Grian attempted to reach up to Xisuma's shoulder but his body wouldn't comply as the hermits continued running down the halls.

They all dodged Watchers countless times. All the hermits wanted to do, was get Grian home where he would be safer than he would be with the Watchers.

Nobody should have to go through this. Not even a convict like Grian.

It's not right.

It's not humane.

Then again, when are the Watchers humane with their methods?

He's weak.

He needs our help.

He needs me....

And I need him.

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