Stronger Than You Know

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Grian was on the bed in his and Xisuma's shared room, peacefully asleep. Xisuma walked in looking for him, smiled when he saw him sleeping soundly.

For a moment he walked towards the bed, sat close beside him and softly rubbed his exposed shoulder.

Why can't you always have this kind of peace?

It's nice knowing that you can look this peaceful.

This vulnerable.

You need me.

I need you.

I will always protect you, whether you want me to or not.

He sighed quietly and laid beside him. Xisuma pulled Grian close to his chest. He swore he could hear Grian's breath catch. Only did he fully realize that he accidentally woke him up, was when Grian dug his head under Xisuma's chin.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"A little bit..." Grian replied, his voice rather quiet and small, "But I don't mind. You're warm."

"It is rather chilly out isn't it?"

Grian hummed then quickly fell back to sleep.

There the two stayed, peaceful and content. Xisuma holding Grian tightly against him, not wanting to let him go, but also not too tight that he'd harm him.

After a while, Grian felt something poking at his face. He groaned and moved away, only to have the hand come back and Grian wanted to sleep more.

So you know what he did?

He bit the person poking at his face.

"Um... Ow." Xisuma chuckled, then lightly tapped on Grian's head, "Hey, bite, release."

"I wanna sleep more.." Grian whined, but almost incomprehensible because of the finger between his teeth.

"Release. It's time for your meds."

Grian released his hold, "I don't wanna."

"Too bad." Xisuma chuckled, getting up receiving a whine of protest, "Sit up. I'll be right back."

With a groan Grian sat himself up in the bed, sliding himself backwards to lean against the headboard.

When Xisuma came back, he noticed the bags under Grian's eyes as he handed him a cup of water and his two meds he needed.

"You getting enough sleep?" He asked looking at the bags, "Those are deep."

After taking the first pill, Grian spoke, "I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been sleeping plenty. These are from the extra fatigue of not having my powers."

He took the second pill and drank the rest of the water, groaning at the powdery taste of the pill going down his throat.

When he handed Xisuma the cups, he asked, "Can I go back to sleep now?"


"Why?" Grian whined.

"Hermits are wanting a meeting."

Grian glared at him.

"About you."

"Why? I don't need the entire server being stuck on the worry train like you."

"Grian, you can barely hold yourself on your own two legs. It's better for them to see you and make sure you're okay than worry if you're dead. Besides, your health isn't the only thing we're talking about."

Grian sighed, "Fine. Grab my shirt."

"Awe, you don't have to get dressed for me."


"Fine." Xisuma chuckled tossing him his shirt, "But I like what I saw."

Grian put on his shirt and tossed his legs over the side and got up with Xisuma's help, then the two made their way to the town hall.

Just about midway in the meeting, the group moved on to the newer problem.

"So with Sam in our world, I'm wanting to have two hermits helping Grian until he's gone."

Grian sat crisscrossed on the ground playing with the hem of his sweater, but glared at Xisuma when he heard him say that.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Then stop talking about me like I'm a handicap! Xisuma, I'm not completely helpless."


"You're just worried. I know. Come up with another reason."

"Because I love you and I care about you."

Xisuma continued the meeting despite Grian's glares.

Grian heard something from the side and he turned towards the mysterious noise, only to see a small part of wings go across the gap.

"Uh, X?" Grian said getting up on stumbling legs, "Xisuma, someone's here. I've just seen wings."

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