Protective Brother

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After Wei Ying left the gardens, he fastened his steps. Following the same trick as before, he sneaked around the guard disciples and soldiers who guarded the way and corridors forbidden for the outsiders.

But as he skipped past one more group of guards, a sudden thought came into his mind 'if me, a non-cultivator or a demonic cultivator (as one would say; he technically was a demonic cultivator but right now he was just relying on his agility and genius brain) can escape these guards then it would be a child's play for that courter!'

Well, Wei Wuxian will have to talk or write with Jin Ling on this matter later. The security here was way too lax!
Finally reaching his room, he slid the door open and grabbed a pouch kept on the messy low table, activated a talisman, before quickly shutting the door and going towards the gate.

He took a longer route to avoid any suspicious eyes which might be lurking in the shadows and casually strolled towards the gate where the
small steps made him remember something.

He still remembers how he pushed Lan Zhan aside the day when his face was revealed to everyone after his resurrection. How ironic, that even at that time it was the day of discussion conference.
Fate really liked to make him walk in circle.

There were guards. Of course! Why wouldn't there be? It was the main gate, the main exit and entrance to the Koi Tower so obviously there would be guards and at that too, lots of guards!
Why didn't Wei Wuxian remember this? Simple, because his memory is not good just like Lan Zhan said and Lan Zhan is never wrong!

Which, Wei Wuxian once again proved correct with his stupidity and traitorous brain and memory....He cursed himself internally for his stupidity and luck.

Once all this was over, he will make sure to punish Lan Zhan for being correct in such a matter and Wei Wuxian had some ideas. Oh...and he will make sure Lan Zhan remembered the punishment.

Wait! March back brain, where did that thought come from? Who was he to teach Lan Wangji, the Chief Cultivator a lesson?

Looks like not taking bath for a few days during the initial period of his journey has even made his mind dirty. Focus Wei Ying, focus.

But before Wei Wuxian could do something, a guard came near him.
" Little Master? What are you doing here? " He looked around the area, trying to find an excuse for his late night presence at the entry gate when the same guard said again," Ah...did Sect Leader Jin send you ?" Wei Wuxian simply nodded going along with the guard.

Well the guard said so himself so no one could blame him. He didn't used his nephew's name, it was the guard who said it; but he wondered if Jin Ling knew about him and had specially asked the guards to leave him be.

As Little Master walked away from the Koi Tower, he stopped in front of the way leading to the town. He stood there for a while then moved towards the streets.

After roaming everywhere and just nowhere, he entered one of the late night inns which usually served the cultivators and rich people who preferred to travel at night.

Without so much as a glance at the waiter and the master of the inn he strode upwards towards the rooms.
Stopping at a door, he knocked thrice and paused then knocked twice and stamped his feet a bit.
The door in front of him opened at once and Little Master entered without any delay.

Inside the room facing the window, a figure dressed in fine indigo and greyish blue robes stood with his back to him. The silver headdress sat on the top knot of his hair in a very similar manner to the figure's brother.

" How is my brother, Master Wei?" The figure turned facing him with worry laced features, all formalities and pleasantries forgotten.

And while Wei Wuxian would really like to tell him the exact truth in the worst way possible because the said person was the younger brother of this figure and yet, even if unintentionally the person in front of Wei Wuxian was the cause of many griefs of the person who had endured so much in many ways; for now Wei Wuxian thought of sparing the man some breath.

" He needs you, Zewu-Jun." Wei Wuxian was never known for small talks, he liked details and so when he said simply one sentence, it ment that the situation was severe, very severe.

If possible Lan Xichen's face paled even more. For a long while, he stayed silent then before he could speak again, Wei Wuxian cut him off," If you are thinking of even offering hour help then forget it. Zewu-Jun, with all due respect, I would like to tell you one thing— things in this world cannot all be seen as black or white. You will never agree with my methods and so I will be happy if you could just keep Lan Zhan from collapsing. Suzhui can only do so much, he cannot provide Lan Zhan what you can."

Lan Xichen stared at Wei Wuxian for a second. " Try me." He said. "Huh?"
"I said, try me Master Wei. I am all ears to your plan. I have learned what you said the hard way, and believe me when I say that I will do anything to help you.
For Wangji, I can do anything. "

For a moment Wei Wuxian scrutinised Lan Xichen as if not believing him. Then,placing a sealing talisman on the door and another on the window in one swift motion, he took off his bamboo hat attached with the cape which had been hiding almost all of his body in a black curtain.

In front of him, Lan Xichen stared. He knew that Wei Wuxian had aged, knew that he didn't had his strong core to support him as he had given his to Jiang Wangyin; but he hadn't seen him after the Guanyin Temple incident.
So he hadn't expected anything, but whatever he would have expected was definitely not this.

The Wei Wuxian in front of him was taller, well built but still a bit skinny with his half of his hair in a perfect top-knot while the other half went down his shoulders.
He was dressed in black outer robes with a dark blue under robe; the quality was not as bad as it had been when he was acting as Mo Xanyu, but of a finer quality. Chenqing was tucked at his waist in the belt like a common companion.

Obviously, his journey as a rogue cultivator had been going well enough for Wei Wuxian to invest in such things but his health remained almost same. Lan Xichen wondered if he should ask about his spiritual energy but then decided against it.

"Ahm..Zewu-Jun, as much as I like being the centre of attention, right now I would be grateful if you would stop staring. It's creepy."

As if broken from a trance, Lan Xichen bowed, " My apologies for causing you discomfort,  Master Wei. I was...just...."
" Checking me out ? Sorry Zewu-Jun, but I would prefer Lan Zhan."

Pause. Lan Xichen blinked, then a smile tugged at his lips as if threatening to break free.
Meanwhile Wei Wuxian seemed to have caught on what he had said and to whom he had said so. He coughed delicately, trying to pretend like he hadn't just told Lan Wangji's brother that he would like having his baby brother staring at him and implied a totally different meaning.

" I was saying, if you really promise Zewu-Jun that you would do exactly as I say then here's what you need to do...."
With a smile that reached his eyes in years, Lan Xichen let the matter slide for now and listened to plan as Wei Wuxian started explaining. He would have to talk to Wangji about this.

Just to let the readers know, I have never ever written anything even a bit provocative or preposterous. So, the parts of the story having such things might be a bit awkward. Hope you all bear with it...

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