Understanding: With&Without You

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"He is okay, just unconscious.
The exhaustion and emotional pressure must have taken a toll on his mental health so his body decided to shut down for much needed rest."

Wei Wuxian informed Jingyi while he checked Sizhui over. Sizhui was lying in his bed, the covers drawn to his chest and forehead ribbon on the bedside table while Jingyi hovered near the bed anxiously.

"So, Sizhui will be okay?"

Hearing this, Jingyi sighed in relief.
He had been really scared when Sizhui didn't respond to his calls.

"He scared me for a second. Phew.."

"Jingyi." Uh-oh. Jingyi knew that tone.
It was the tone Wei qianbe reserved for when he was questioning someone and wanted answers.

"...yes Wei qianbe...."

"What happened?" Ah, he was in trouble. Wei qianbe scarcely used that voice on anyone but Jingyi had seen him use that tone enough times to understand when the person being spoken to was in immediate danger.
It was his turn this time.

...ahh-ahhhhhaaah-hhaahh...nothing Wei qianbe! Why do you ask?"

"You will have better luck at lying to Zewu-Jun kid. Speak up, why is Sizhui unconscious?" meaning no luck at all.

".....we talked...?"

"Sizhui might have been a bit down, so I suggested a drink? It was the Lotus wine you were telling me about!"
He hurried to add, but the suspicious look on Wei qianbe's face did not lift.
In fact, a second later, Wei qianbe glared at him, his voice so loud Jingyi was sure the noise level was unacceptable even in Lotus Pier.

"Sizhui drank lotus wine?!"

"No! I mean yes-no, no, Wei qianbe-I-I did. Sizhui didn't drink a drop! I swear!"
He shrank back at the glare placed on him. Really Wei qianbe was scary.
How could those snobby sect leaders not get scared was beyond him.
Any man in his right mind would flee the scene when faced with such a hard stare.

"Really Wei qianbe, I swear!"

"Lans don't swear kid, try pledging next time..." okay, that didn't help.
Times like these he hoped Wei qianbe didn't know the rules of Cloud Recesses.

After a few more questions and glares, Jingyi was finally ready to pass out.

"Fine, I am not going to ask anything else for now. Go back to your room and sleep."
When Jingyi still didn't move, Wei Wuxian snorted, waving him away.

"I will let you know as soon as Sizhui wakes, okay? Now go."

Satisfied and thankful for the dismissal, Jingyi took one last glance at his unconscious friend before bowing his retreat.

Meanwhile, Wei Wuxian gazed at his son; stroking the soft face.
What made you so stressed A Yuan, my little radish? Don't worry, Lan Zhan will be up and about soon.

In the silence of the room, where he knew no one would know, Wei Wuxian whispered: "He will wake up, or I will make him."



After Lan Wangji woke up and was sitting for more time, Sizhui had faired but he still spent most of his time hugging Lan Wangji or hovering nearby; and Wei Wuxian was both overflowing with fondness and buzzing with worry seeing this.
After all, Sizhui's state wasn't normal.
If he continued to suppress his emotions, Wei Wuxian was afraid the boy would collapse under the pressure.

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