It's My Turn

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Wei Wuxian was not someone to be messed with. That he had made clear in his previous life. He was not named the Yilling Patriarch for nothing. But sometimes, people tend to forget or for better clarification, choose to forget.
This time, he will make sure that not only will people remember this event but also know that it's better if they wake up a sleeping demon.

In a silent room just like all other guest rooms of Koi Tower, it was dark. The morning was approaching but still had a long way to cover which gave ample time to all sleepy heads to tuck their head under their blankets or cover and lay in their bed. And it was the same here. The occupant was sleeping peacefully, unaware of any upcoming danger. The room was shrouded in dim darkness, because the gold lining ensured that no room was ever totally dark in Koi Tower.
The figure on the bed turned once and a frown appeared between their brows while their lips twisted downwards in bewildered displeasure. Another turn and the blanket was tossed aside. Suddenly the figure snapped open his eyes and then a scream accompanied by a blast followed.
Meanwhile, in another room a cruel smirk formed on the lips of the owner of grey orbs.

" me, save me! Ah...sect leader Jiang! Save me! Save me!" Jiang Cheng had woken up to the sounds of screaming and a blast. Planning to check on the incident which had transpired between his peace time, he rushed towards the guest area only to find Nie Huaisang running towards him. He didn't know what possessed him to even think this, but for a moment he thought he felt......something.
He was thrown back to present by Nie Huaisang's frantic shaking and had to shake him off violently to free himself. "What do you think you are doing Sect Leader Nie? This is not the time for your theatrics!" Jiang Cheng practically hissed. " I know! I know! But I heard a scream of some creature, I swear Jiang Xiong! Don't look at me like that, even the rooms near mine got blasted. Mine just barely escaped the blast! Come have a look." He then proceeded to drag Jiang Cheng without giving him a chance to speak.

Almost half of the guest area had been destroyed. Smoke was coming out from where the debris of the once lavish rooms lay while Jin disciples along with the disciples from the sects of the injured sect leaders helped the unfortunate ones out safely. Some of the attendants who worked directly at the back of the room had also gotten caught in the blast and were being led out. The sect leaders were fine from what Jiang Cheng inspected (what with all their fat bellies and empty brains) while some of the older ones seemed a bit shaken. The ones who were the most injured belonged to Yao, Zhoushan Zhao, Anping Rong and Laoling Qin sect along with Meili sect. The sect hier of Meili was also one of the injured ones. The other sect heirs seemed fine enough, given that they spent much time cultivating ( he had heard from Jin Ling about how bratty Taiyang was).

Today the conference was smooth....till now. Two rogue cultivators had asked for Lan Wangji's advice on their talismans while one had recognised Suzhui when he was night hunting in the former's village. After asking for permission, he launched into a discussion about the methods Suzhui used and how they seemed similar to those invented by the Yilling Patriarch. At this Lan Wangji turned a sharp eye on their discussion though luckily, the cultivator looked as if he was just an intrigued and curious learner and the invisible tension disappeared.
Beside Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen sat keeping an eye on everything, ready to whisk his brother away should the sect leaders act out of line.
But all the calm swiftly went away when Sect Leader Yao raised his voice about the morning blast. " Who is such a daring person to do so?" Jin Ling would thank that daring soul thousands of time if that person made sure that sect leader Yao was in it.
"And they even dared to do it where most important guests were..." another voice spoke. Someone snorted while Suzhui fixed a pointed look at someone.
Lan Wangji looked towards Suzhui and Jingyi and the latter straightened himself almost as if by reflex.
He had heard about the blast which took place, Suzhui had also told him about a scream which the people had thought belonged to some creature. It was Nie Huaisang actually who greeted Lan Wangji with a flourish in the discussion hall first and proceeded to tell him about it all while also asking if the guest lectures will take place this year. Well things are a bit complicated, so maybe not.
Just then a crack sounded near him and Jiang Cheng saw Lan Xichen in his periphery, griping a cup so tightly that the porcelain had cracked a bit. Focusing on the present, he heard " We must take care of Chief Cultivator. He needs someone who can guard him." It was said by none other than Li Taiyang, he had his head wrapped so maybe he hit his head a bit too hard and couldn't use utilise normal brain functions at the moment. That's why Lan Xichen was so angry. Beside him Lan Wangji sat elegantly as always but his posture seemed a bit rigid and his eyes looked frosty. Jiang Cheng was surely not happy about sitting near GusuLan right now.

Lan Jingyi was what one can call the best non-Lan when it came to abiding by the rules. Right now he was finding it really hard to restrain himself from telling a certain someone a few choice words because of the audacity of that said person. The whole cultivation world admires Lan disciples for their self restrain and mannerisms. Jingyi cannot risk embarrasing his whole sect ( not that he is much worried) and Hanguang-Jun ( he is way too much worried about and respects with all his heart and life like any other sensical Lan disciple); but the person sitting just across the hall is making it quite difficult for him.
" Aiyah, listen to my plight everyone! You will know that I barely escaped a misfortune!" Nie Huaisang said with his usual theatrics ( which only few can recognise). Everyone's attention diverted towards him at once, and the said sect leader hid behind his fan again in a show of mystery. " So....we all know about the today's blast! Most escaped it and those who didn't got only minor injuries...but-did anyone remember the scream? The scream surely belonged to a vengeful beast or something ! The shrillness and the pitch, my fellow cultivators, Xichen ge, I am perhaps really lucky to have escaped such creature. I suppose this incident shows us something..." " And what that would be Huaisang?" Lan Xichen asked. The tension in his shoulders had not fully dissapiated but it had lessened. " Maybe those who got lucky in this blast will have beautiful future waiting for them because the blast took place in morning, which is the start of the day.." " No offense sect leader Nie, but you should mind your words if you wish to be able to have peaceful relations." Sect leader Zhao said tersely.
"Li gonzi, Zhao zhongzhu,I suppose, you should think before speaking, my brother is not someone who needs protection. His cultivation level and martial arts are more than enough to protect himself. If you all will stop with your gifts, I suppose, that might help him relieve some headache. Also I suppose the discussion hall is neither place for such topics nor the place. " Lan Xichen countered with no subtlety with frost in his voice and eyes that some of the nearby sect leaders too felt a chill down their spine. Jin Ling thought it was just a glance of Lan Xichen's mood that they were witnessing, if Zewu-Jun was anyone else and not the First Jade of Lan, he suppose an argument would have started by now or worse, a fight.
After that no one had the courage to speak anything, and it is safe to say that the conference went on without any nuisance.

"Isn't this a bit too easy ?" " Give me a little credit will you ? After all...." " Fine, fine, I know. But I have this gut feeling and I have learnt this the hard way to always trust it." " So...what do you want me to do ? I assure you it's foolproof. "
" For your own sake, I hope it's true."

" Aiyah, wasn't it a bit too harsh ?" " In comparision to what they did and what I would have usually done, it's just a bit." " Oh. Remind me to never get in your bad side." "Maybe" " Wei Xiong! I am wounded. I do so much for you and you can't even warn a friend ?" A laughter followed the dramatic statement. " Oh, Nie Xiong, it's my turn now." The other said with a smirk befitting his previous title.

" We are ready, Young Master." A man bowed in front of a figure whose back was turned. "We have done everything as you said, all the arrangements have been made." " Did you get any word ?"
" No Young Master. The bird was caught and wounded." The figure whose was turned till now turned abruptly upon hearing the word caught with a panicked look but relaxed when the first person completed his statement. " Hm...let it be for now."
"What shall we do now, Young Master?"
"What to do ? Nothing.It's not really a bird you know. It's just a young cub who chose to leave the pride.
Let the little lion hunt. When the prey has been caught and the little lion is resting, we will snatch the prize away for me. After all,  young lions who choose to oppose their pride are never supposed to live long." 

14 April, 2021

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