Never Alone

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' A Xian! You, me and A Cheng, we will always be together— never separate. '



The sounds continued, varying in degree but never stopping- not until afternoon.

Anyone passing by the courtyard could hear them, the air cutting and parting as the beautiful sword gleaned in sunlight; shining brightly.

A slim and long blade with a red start in between and a wood-like sheath engraved with expert's designs slashed through the air as the wielder of the sword striked at an invisible opponent.

A swing, a pull, an arm flung to the side, a limb stretched wide— a front kick tricking eyes, a change of grip, a change of side; the style was unpredictable and unique; giving the person a huge advantage.

Clothes and hair flowing around, black and red flapped in tendon with the winds accompanying them as the man jumped and performed some acrobatic moves. Some would say that he was messing with the original form but few knew that the person always had his own style of fighting, having abandoned the original form long ago.

It's not that he forgot, his memory though quite faulty can kick in gear in need; but the memories linger.

They linger and make it difficult for you to let go when you have come so far and yet; he is unwilling to completely deflate.

There are some which are worth more than any elixir in all the realms but there are also quite a few which he hoped his brain would lock away.
Just seal them and forger they ever existed, like they never happened or were an outer body experience.

Away, far away, belonging to some other dimension or life lived long ago.

They say life is a new start. For him, it is and isn't- both at the same time.

Death is supposed to symbolise an end, the wait for another start, a new cycle moving onwards, leaving behind the cursed past. Is it really ?

Can one answer questions of life and death, soul and realm, right or wrong, black or white truthfully and without judgement and still call themselves mortal ? Immortals too will leave the world behind at some point, they are not discriminated in the matters of death; for death is indiscriminate.

No one can justify one's behaviour and nature at first glance, at first spark as you must digest and comprehend the situation at hand before concluding your view.

Though the public often choose to disregard everything except firsthand invisible witness carried on air, the truth can only remain under veil for so long.

Life really teaches us a lesson at unexpected stages; often when we are unprepared to fully comprehend and understand the gravity of it. Still, they come in use.

Especially when you had the chance and time of two lives.


A while later the person stopped, breath uneven and a layer of sweat visible on his forehead.

This exhaustion, the one which came after an intense sword training, was a welcome one.

Sheathing the sword, the man stretched once before opening his eyes.
The sun was blazing in front of him, making him squint and shade his eyes with a hand.

Going through age old forms which he once thought were lost to him, the feel of his sword in hand as if it was just an extension of his own conscience, a part of him like another limb and not something he was griping in his hand as he swung and twisted the weapon; the thrum of energy as the spirit of the sword sang at being wielded by its master was exhilarating.

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