Time For A Visit

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In an empty land full of greenery, a young man rode on his donkey— with almost no destination in mind, playing a tune engraved deep in his heart and soul.
The young man wore black robes with arm guards on his arms, with a significant and contrasting red ribbon tied to his half top knot hair. The donkey too was not bare but adorned with trinkets.
Usually the donkey refused to listen to its master, only following his command when baited with a red apple in front of him. But whenever the man played the song, it was as if the donkey was under a spell and walked obediently,  without any hassle. They had been travelling for days, the man was a rogue cultivator it seemed bit held no sword. He visited places, helped people who couldn't afford to ask a cultivator's help and was sometimes even asked to help the riches should anyone recognise him from his past. But for the major part of his journey, few did and most of the time he was happy and satisfied with just a roof above his head and a full meal with some fruits to carry for his donkey. Some gave him silver which he accepted only after much nagging though he didn't hesitate when it came to rich people.
This man was not an ordinary rogue cultivator, neither was he a member of any honourable sect, he was We Wuxian known as Yilling Patriarch in his past life.
Wei Wuxian didn't care about money, he simply liked to help. But he often collected trinkets and painted views and scenarios which attracted him.
Silver he outright refused from poor and elderly, he just asked for a night's shelter and food if hey could provide.
From common folk who were well to do, he accepted silver.
Once, he eliminated resentment from a merchant's villa. His servant had adored his daughter but when he didn't get what he wanted, he drowned himself in the lake built in the garden of the merchant's villa. His ghost haunted the lake and those who passed it fell sick or were drowned in the same lake.
We Wuxian eliminated the spirit because it was impossible to liberate it. In exchange, the merchant told him to ask for something and Wei Wuxian asked him if his textiles were the best in the place. The merchant proudly presented his best pieces and said that if he would like he would get him a tailor too to make the robes.
But Wei Wuxian denied, he simply asked to make a cape and selected a translucent white sheen silk. The fabric was lustrous and soft like feathers, and when held in front of sunlight and moonlight would give two different glow. During day it would glow with a sky blue glint while during night, the person adorning it would glow like moon with turquoise hint to it.
The design and embroidery was drawn by Wei Wuxian himself, and he practically bagged the tailor and the weavers to make it like exact copy.
After the cape was ready, he thanked the merchant, put the cape in his quainkin pouch and departed.
On his way, he had come across another resentful being and turned out it was a simple old ghost who wanted revenge on his family for treating him badly. The family he helped had lived in the house for some years and found that their members and servants started getting sick when they went to open an old basement which was found by a servant. He helped them and the old lady was so glad, she insisted that she gave him their robes. She requested him to stay and gave him some fine black, navy blue and red robes. While looking at the robes, he came across a dark purple robe. After thinking for a moment he chose black, red and navy blue ones. He thought that the old lady looked just like granny Wen, and thus he hadn't been able to refuse when she offered him robes as thanks.

Now he was nearing a town. At the gate  of entry into the town, he got down hi donkey and started walking, strolling leisurely through the market while checking if anyone was still selling those ugly portraits of 'Yilling Patriarch '.
Honestly, he was a very handsome man and had been famous for his looks in his past life! Why can't the people remember one good thing about him at least!!! 
Anyway he saw an inn and looked at his donkey, " Xiao Pingguo, looks like we got a roof above our head for tonight. Let's go!" And he dragged the donkey towards the inn despite the donkey's attempts to get an apple from the nearest stall.
Before he entered the inn, he asked the innkeeper to put the donkey in the stable and as if the innkeeper recognised him, he hurried to do the task and then showed him towards a table. He had enough silver for now, so he ordered himself some wine and a bowl of steamy wonton noodles.
"Hey, did you hear the news?" "What?" " The Chief Cultivator single handedly defeated a ferocious resentful beast!" "Oh, I heard it. One of my friends told me that Meili sect had asked for the Gusu Lan's aid as the beast had already killed many disciples." "Yes! The Chief Cultivator himself went there." "But what happened?" " I heard that the beast attacked the Lan disciples, and Chief Cultivator was furious. This he killed the spirit."
Afterwards it was just whispers. Wei Wuxian chuckled. Lan Zhan was really protective of his disciples, he wouldn't let even a scar appear on them while he was around. He was in sense over protective and unreasonable, he let the disciples handle the night hunts usually  and only interfered when necessary. Suddenly he catched some whispers, " I heard that something happened. Yeah, apparently the Lan disciples along with the Chief Cultivator left immediately." Wei Wuxian frowned, it was not like Lan Wangji to leave immediately after an intense night hunt. Also, they were invited by the Meili sect, shouldn't they return to the palace instead of flying back to Gusu at night. Maybe some urgent matters needed Lan Wangji's attention back at Cloud Recesses. Zewu-Jun was still in seclusion so it was obvious Lan Zhan would have double duties.
He sighed, he really wished Zewu-Jun would come out if his seclusion, it wasn't doing him or Lan Zhan any good. He knew what seclusion could do, after hearing about Lan Zhan's seclusion.
He finished his meal, paid for a room and went in his room to rest a bit. After three days of continuously sleeping under sky, he could use some nice sleep in bed. He will clean when he woke up.
Next day, he set off on his journey again.
Soon, he found himself in Qishan. As he  entered an inn, he saw some people talking about an upcoming event in Lanling. They were probably rogue cultivators,"Hey, did you hear that?.....This time it's really strict. " "Yes, I know, they have tightened the security. Very few are allowed. " " Yes, but the Cultivation Conference is special this year." "Hanguang-Jun, the Chief Cultivator will be present there too, this is a chance to meet him!" " We can talk to him?" "Even if we can't, we may get to listen to his advices. I heard that he will give answers to questions asked by young cultivators " "This is to allow rogue cultivators like us to gain knowledge about new techniques. " " I heard, he even used the Yilling Patriarch's methods to fight resentful beings without using resentful energy. " "But why the security is too tight ?" "Some say it is for Chief Cultivator."
For Chief Cultivator? Since when did Lan Zhan needed security? This was new for wei Wuxian. First Lan Wangji left immediately after the night hunt with Meili sect, now he needs security? Something was not adding up about this. This was ridiculous. Looks like he got his next destination.
He paid for the wine he had and left the inn. Taking Xiao Pingguo's reign, he tugged the donkey forwards and said, " Xiao Pingguo. Looks like it's time to pay a visit to someone way too soon than I planned. " He shook his head when the donkey simply brayed and strolled through the crowd. He had a destination in mind and a place to reach and most importantly, a person to meet.
I hope my arrival will not be a curse for you this time, dragging your pristine self through mud once again, but a blessing which will give you warmth and happiness, just yours did and will always do to me.
Comments work like magic you know!
The more the comments and votes, faster will be the updates. Also I don't know much about Untamed geography, so overlook my mistakes along with grammatical errors.

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