The Trip to Trouble 1

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The Lan disciple group was ready to depart for Meili sect, and Suzhui was checking everything once more when Jingyi came to him," Suzhui! Are you done?" "Yes I am. Just checking everything. " He calmly replied. "Hm, do you remember the troublesome price of the Meili sect from when we went last time to help them in a night hunt? He kept getting in our way, especially Hunguang-Jun's." Jingyi continued complaining.
Suzhui simply smiled " Yes,I remember. But Jingyi—" " Yeah, yeah. I know the rules, and I am not talking behind someone just stating the fact Suzhui!"

Jingyi whined, he just couldn't stand that boy. How old was that 'prince'? Maybe 19 or 22 and yet he acted like he was way older and the ruler of the world. On top of that he kept blocking Hanguang-Jun last time; as if the great Hanguang-Jun would need the prince's support or protection! Seriously one should know when to stop and Hanguang-Jun was the Chief Cultivator , he was the strongest cultivator present of their time.

"Jingyi, Jingyi!" "Huh?" "Jingyi, I have called you five times, what are you thinking?" Suzhui frowned. His friend seemed to have developed a dislike to the prince of Meili sect; although he had to agree that the prince had acted extremely and exaggeratingly, developing any negative feelings would not do them any good specially if they were going to fight such resentment itself. It would only feed the creature lurking there when they fought with it as he supposed that the prince would be present with them.

But then again, no Lan disciple was pleased with the fact that the prince had intervened in their work and night hunt last time. Maybe, he would behave  this time.
After packing everything, the disciples were going through the information given to them about the situation which was very vague even according to Hanguang-Jun, if the way he warned them to be ready for anything and not put excessive measures was any indication. It wasn't new, Hanguang-Jun warning them and reminding them to be careful and not take any dangerous action.

He cared for them and made sure that no one was ever harmed during any hunt. Sometimes Suzhui suspected that it involved losing a certain black robed cultivator with a red ribbon during the battle at Nevernight city.
But today it had felt as if the warning was carrying a certain pressure with it. So obviously, disciples were talking about it, and no if someone reminded them that 'gossip was forbidden in Cloud Recesses ' then they can retort by saying that they were talking, not gossiping!

On the other side of Cloud Recesses, a figure in white robes with a glittering blue cape was sitting in a room with another figure, this one older and in blue robes. They were sitting for what seemed to be tea, but only one was drinking tea while the other drinked silence.
"Wangji.." the older one paused. He knew this was going to happen, his younger nephew had always been like that. He always would be....stubborn. Right now he wanted to go on the night hunt along with the the other disciples while he, Lan Qiren looked after the roles of the sect leader and Chief Cultivator.
"Wangji, the disciples are enough experienced. They don't need you looking after them all the time. And if they do get injured—" "Shufu" Lan Qiren fumed, he never liked being interrupted. It was against the rules also. He simply glared at his nephew silently while the other impassivly stared back, at last he broke eye contact first and sighed. "Ok, I will look after the duties." He looked back at his nephew. To anyone else, Lan Wangji was sitting like a jade, after he was named but Lan Qiren caught the sparkle in his eyes which conveyed how grateful his nephew was and the relief of being allowed to accompany his disciples.

Lan Wangji bowed to his uncle and left. He went to the the Jingshi, got his quankin pouch which carried his guqin, his other things as he had a feeling that they would not return immediately and  he like carrying his own personal things instead of using the items provided by any other sect for their guests thank you very much.
After taking a glance around, he went towards were he knew the disciples were waiting for him.
The disciples greeted him when he approached them and he acknowledged them with a nod. "Let's go" he said and the the group mounted their swords and started towards their destination.

He was feeling that if he didn't go, something bad will happen. He lost Wei Ying once, he wouldn't lose Suzhui too, couldn't lose any of his disciples. Because even if Wei Ying came back to life, he couldn't and wouldn't let any of the disciples injured, nope not happening while he was there.

His uncle may have thought that it was just a night hunt and even if the letter had been a request for aid, Lan Wangji had a feeling that whatever was waiting for them in the region of Meili sect was especially waiting for him.

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