You Are an Idiot

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Jiang Wanyin led them towards a courtyard where the Yunmeng disciples  were practising swordforms. A senior disciple or maybe an instructor was supervising the drill while walking between the disciples and helped a few once. They didn't go near them, just stood a few feet away, observing, and in   Jiang Cheng's case looking for any fault that might appear if he stared blankly at his disciples with a practised face of Sect Leader of Yunmeng Jiangs.

But Wei Wuxian, he stood frozen— in a haze while his mind took him back to his days when he was the senior disciple of Yunmeng Jiangs and it was his duty to look over the practice drills. He still remembers the kite shootings, the sword drills, the lotus picking from the docks and all the while a gentle laughter rang in the background of all these memories A-Xian..
Shijie...he wishpered in an inaudible whisper while his shoulders hunched a little. Beside him, Jiang Cheng thought he heard something then dismissed it. Instead he asked, " Little Master, you see here are some of the best disciples of Yunmeng Jiang. I have seen that your observation skills are good and thus would like your guidance and critique on our drills." He ended his request with clasping his hands in front of him to show respect.
Wei Wuxian was shocked, once he registered what his brother was doing , he hurriedly laid his arms in a harried way to which Jiang Cheng thought, ah..he is flustered, good. Little Master took out a paper and brush and quickly write something on it and gave it to the latter, who read it silently then raised a brow. Folding the paper and keeping it with him, Jiang Cheng regarded Wei Wuxian or Little Master once again then turned around with a gesture to follow him. " I suppose we can discuss your views on a cup of tea, Little Master." With these words, Wei Wuxian was once forced to hurry after the other, again.

As soon as Jiang Cheng made sure that the Little Master won't go anywhere and was standing inside his room, he turned around and some of the tension from his shoulders dissapiated. Still Zidian hissed around his wrist, responding to the whirlwind of the emotions running inside him. Little Master was not doing anything, he just stood there like a statue, looking around (maybe, Jiang Cheng couldn't see any part of him so it was a guess) .
An awkward silence hung heavy in the room , no one made the first move to talk, or in Little Master's case, writing.

After an awkward silence which Jiang Wanyin was sure lasted at least a full 10 minutes, he gestured for them to sit and filled the tea cups. He put tye tea cup in front of Little Master thought he latter made no attempt at taking it.
" So, Little Master, I heard that you carried a jade seal ?" He didn't say I know about the seal and my nephew would gave kicked you out if the seal wasn't what it was. Or, I know you know my brother and where the hell is that idiot and why are you here ?

Though Jiang Cheng was sure the other heard his words both spoken and not spoken clearly. Little Master bowed a bit as if apologising and then took out his paper and brush and wrote something on it, sliding it towards the young sect leader.
Jiang Cheng tried calming himself, he really did but he could feel Zidian hissing and had to channel his mind through peaceful thoughts.
" Where did you get the seal ? Who gave it to you ? Do not lie." He supposed Little Master blinked or he just have imagined it for a expression of faux confusion. But the next moment he had another message in front of him saying I am in no position to disclose the information yet but rest assured that I am no threat to His Excellency.
Jiang Cheng sighed, they were really going to play this game, weren't they? He stood up and so did the other but before Little Master could go out he called, " Little Master, just so you know..." he hesitated for a moment then said, " Just so you know, Lan Wangji can't hold on any longer. I hope it's not too late." With these words Jiang Cheng turned his back to the other and Little Master was left to interpret the words, again. He bowed and then took his leave.

The next day, the hall was filled with murmurs and whispers as every sect leader put their heads together to bet whose area would be chosen for the upcoming night hunt. It was going to be a group night hunt for the winner disciples of the competitions whi had earned the chance of going night hunting with The Second Jade of Gusu, His Excellency, Chief Cultivator and one of the greatest cultivators of their time. Of course, the Lan disciples were barely able hide their smugness or better pride because they got the chance often and it was surely something to take pride in. They knew their teacher was the best and weren't ashamed to show their happiness about it. Unless their teacher warned them about excessive show of expression which, if taken in account would be a rare thing to see unless they were under the hawk eyes of Lan elders in Cloud Recesses.
The anxiety and the eagerness was easily visible on every face because even after winning the competitions, it was up to the Chief Cultivator to decide whom he deemed worthy of joining him for a night hunt. Jin Ling's cousin was also present though the boy had not won a single competition he was present there with his family members as if this wasn't a Cultivation Conference but a social gathering.
Amidst all this, Lan Wangji sat with pristine and and a powerful aura around him, his face a picture of blankness, posture perfect and back ramrod straight.
Lan Xichen wasn't present yet, but he will come in a few minutes as soon as the public was allowed to bring their requests. As the time was ripe for business, many merchants from different regions were present in the town who had carried with them the reports of locals od their region who wished for the Chief Cultivator to look into the matter. With the sound of a gong, the first entries were allowed. The reports kept coming, and the proceeding went on for almost three hours non- stop. Some of the sect leaders could be seen slouching but a word from Nie Huaisang about His Excellency talking about the said slouching sect leader and the sect leader would sit ramrod straight to be noticed.
After four hours, the public requests stopped coming so that the Chief Cultivator could take rest ( which Lan Wangji gingerly thought was true enough, he needed to get out and that too fast). The second half of the conference started after a break of half an hour, and this time the sect leaders came forward with their petitions. Most of them just wanted to grab the chance of having the Chief Cultivator and their disciples go on the night hunt in their territory while some were genuine. It was during this time only that a servant came to wishper something in Jin Ling's ears.
Jin Ling took a look around the room then nodded at the servant. Seconds later a traveller with a cloak arrived. Standing in the middle of the discussion hall, he bowed first to the Chief Cultivator and then to Jin Ling.
" So, I heard you came with a special request ?" Jin Ling asked. The traveller nodded and said, " Yes, Sect Leader Jin. I have come from far and due to some inconvenience in the travel was delayed and thus could not be present in the first half. This one apologises for his mistake and hopes that the Chief Cultivator will hear my story. "
" The insolence! This is a cultivation conference dear traveller not a social gathering where you can entertain the Chief Cultivator. "Sect leader Yao laughed." You may." The traveller did not acknowledge sect leader Yao at all but simply bowed in the direction of Lan Wangji. At his consent the traveller continued, " I come from where the clouds stroll with sun, and where the laughter rings with soft hums. I come from where the sun descends and come to you to take you away." With this he removed his cloak. The sect leaders gaped like fish put of water but Lan Wangji just looked at his brother standing in front of him with a blank expression. Murmers and wishpers started at once while Lan Xichen bowed in courtesy to his brother. But his bow was arrested by two hands and he rose to see his brother. " Conference dismissed." With this Lan Wangji took hus brother away from their in a flirry of robes while Jiang Wanyin and Jin Ling sat with mouth agap. As soon as Lan Wangji left, the whole Lan delegation left the same way.

" No way!You know I can't do that." " But you need to understand, this is the best way!" " Can't you do anything to remove him from this equation ? It's too big a risk. " " You know I really can't. If I could, I would have done so before but the snake has sensed the sound already. If we don't do this then..." " Fine, but if anything happens..." " I will myself be ready to dance on your melody. Yes, I know." " Hope you know this at least. I like playing."
A door was shut and a sigh escaped but other than that there was complete silence. The day was approaching fast and they needed to act fast.
" You are an idiot...ShiXiong."

So, here I am. Tell me your thoughts, give me advice but don't bite. I hate hate comments and if anyone doesn't like something, the back button is just for you. Anyway, if you read till here then maybe no or maybe yes. Updates still irregular though I will try.
My english is not good enough so if you find any grammatical errors then feel free to correct me! Hope you all enjoyed!!🤗

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