Awakening Rage, Darkening Haze

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The letters did not stop. Every week, Lan Xichen would find a letter at the bottom of the stack, innocent like a child before mischief and open it to find out about another loss in trade, another village rebelling. Merchants were boycotting them, traders were avoiding them, townspeople ignored them. Only Lan cultivators were noticed and respected.
Sometime later, even other workers started reporting about being mistreated. It reached to a point that only Caiyi and nearby areas were open for trade.
Their trade with other sects too were suffering.

Lan Xichen ordered disciples to accompany the tradespeople. The trade with YunmengJiang and LanlingJin sustained only because Jiang Wanyin had his own disciples and trusted workers travel with the trade items.

The storm was near.


" Just a bit more and then you can rest."

" Can't he rest now ? It's already a greater progress than we thought. "

" No, if he is going through what I think he is then absolutely not. Don't look at me like that. I trust you,I really do. But my baby cousin has suffered enough for blind people that I am not taking chances. At all. "

" But-"

" No buts. Out, you two."

Wei Wuxian exchanged a glance with Lan Xichen who just shook his head. They exited the room and before Wei Ying could ask anything, the door was shut in his face.

Rude. Is a Lan allowed to be this rude?

"She is a bit protective of Wangji." Lan Xichen supplied.
" I can see that. " Wei Ying muttered.

" It's not like I will-" Wei Wuxian never got to complete his sentence as a familiar duo came 'briskly walking' and absolutely not running towards them. It's Sizhui and Jingyi and by the looks of the things, they have been seen something.

" Sizhui?"
" Wei qianbe. Zewu-Jun. " They chorused, bowing. Lan Xichen nodded but frowned after a critical look at them.
" Sizhui, what happened?"
Sizhui was breathing heavily, like he ran a mile to reach them.
" It's-"
" We need-" Both of them spoke at a time, looking at eachother in embarrassment.

Wei Wuxian laughed. " Aiyah A Yuan, take a breath and then speak. Also,decide who will say what. "

" Wei qianbe you need to come with me."
" Hm. Sizhui just found something. "

" What?"
" We cannot explain here Wei qianbe. You must come with us. "
Wei Ying looked at Lan Xichen, who was frowning. The First Jade looked conflicted, as if he was wondering what to do. On one hand they were waiting for Lan Zhanshi to complete her work so they could discuss their next step; on the other hand, Sizhui looked distressed. His AYuan, who had perfected the art of appearing impassive or smiling like both his not-blood-related-parents and still nailed it like nothing.
So, yes. It was difficult to decide.

" Uh..Zewu-Jun, maybe-"
" Go on Wei gonzi. I will brief you on our discussion later. "
" Thank you Zewu-Jun. "

One thing's for sure. Some Lans were rude, especially when a baby brother was involved.


The backhills had a visitor.

When Wei Wuxian reached the area with Sizhui and Jingyi, he found himself near the cold spring, in the bamboo groove leading down the stairs.
There were marks, a broken twig here, a crunched leaf there.
Anyone would think this was common in this area but.

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