A Hole In My Heart

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Suzhui had always admired Lan Wangji.  For him, Lan Wangji was a father and a brother who also provided him the warmth of family and mother when Suzhui was feeling too low. Though that had only happened a number of times which Suzhui could count on his fingers.

But apart from Lan Wangji being a parent figure for him, he was a great teacher too which Suzhui and almost all the Lan disciples of his generation wholeheartedly agreed apart from some bratty ones. And they never passed the opportunity to defend their teacher, especially Jingyi; who had the knack of even shutting up Jin Ling and Sect Leader Jiang.

All in all, it could be said that the Lan ducklings (as Wei Wuxian once called them) were very protective of their Hanguang-Jun. Not that their Hanguang-Jun knew about the limits to which they went. It was their little secret.

Yesterday when Suzhui saw Little Master aka Wei Wuxian just stop at the gate as if entranced and knowing the reason behind it, he couldn't help feeling a few emotions he was sure were prohibited by the Lan clan rules.
Over-protectiveness, smugness, anger.

He had an inkling from what he had heard from Jin Ling, Ouyang Zizhen and Jingyi. He had half hoped that Wei Wuxian would come near Lan Wangji and comfort him in a way Suzhui and other Lan disciples couldn't, but once again Suzhui learned this the hard way that his Xian gege was a dumb head and probably the world's greatest oblivious dumb.

After Wei Wuxian disappeared from the garden, both Lan Wangji and Suzhui had come back to Lan Wangji's room and Suzhui spent some time sitting with his Zhan Gege and playin qin. It was something personal, something little A Yaun had learned to treasure— the moments he spent with his Zhan Gege, playing qin after he was to stay in the students dormitory.

They fell in an old routine, both of them just letting the music blend together and they were at peace. As the time of Lan curfew drew nearer and then passed, ten minutes afterwards, Suzhui left for his own room.

Next morning saw Lan Wangji meditating or better trying to meditate.
He had been trying for the past thirty minutes but as soon as he thought he had blocked out almost every sound and was focused on the flow of his qi, he was crashed back into present with a sudden flow of unstable qi.

At first he thought it was just his mind wandering and his body trying to prepare as the dreaded week was nearing. But after prodding at his qi and golden core, Lan Wangji found them quite stable. The unstable qi was an intentional. An interruption.

Somebody was trying to prevent him from meditating, which was ridiculous.
He wasn't preparing anything strong, nor was he healing his core or body that anyone would see him as a threat and right now he was in his room, dressed in his normal robes and not the Chief Cultivator's attire; but someone was trying. And the interruption didn't stop.

There wasn't any war going on and as much as the sects criticized him, they wouldn't so low to take away his morning peace. And no one woke up as early as Lans.

Easing into a normal sitting position, Lan Wangji got up and reached inside his guqin bag. Inside was a letter.
He smoothed the edges and opened it.
When he received a letter from Wei Ying on the first day of the conference, Lan Wangji had been delighted but a part of him had also wilted at seeing the messenger. Wei Ying had chose to give his letter to some stranger and that Lan Wangji found odd.

But put that feeling aside when he read the letter. After reading it, Lan Wangji wasn't sure what he felt. So he put the confusing emotions in the back of his mind like always, locked away.

Right now as he opened the letter, be skimmed through its contents and sat on his low table. Picking the brush and taking out a talisman paper, he began drawing an array on it. In his letter Wei Ying had discussed a talisman, which when casted would detect any other spell or talisman designed to harm the caster.

Lan Wangji had been disappointed (childish, he knew) that Wei Wuxian didn't draw it himself, but according to Wei Ying's instructions, the talisman must only be drawn by the victim or victim's closest people. On reading this line, he was sure that his vision blurred for a second before he forced himself to  overlook that particular line.

Even now, Lan Wangji half wanted to just let the interruption continue if it meant that he didn't have to draw that talisman. But he couldn't let his options rule his decisions. So he drew the talisman. Once it was complete, he checked it twice and saw that there was nothing wrong and then he put his spiritual energy in it.

The talisman lit up at once and then his whole room was bathed in a dim red glow. He looked around the room trying to find out what had tried to interrupt his meditation, when a red arrow appeared mid air and guided him towards his door.

Lan Wangji slid the door open and followed the arrow and it guided him towards the ceiling above. Looking up, Lan Wangji saw nothing, but a sip of spiritual energy and he felt the array that was present there. He quickly removed it but the arrow still remained and took him at the back near his bathroom window which apparently opened at the backside where only maids and servants were present.

They bowed in a hurry because surely no one expected the Chief Cultivator to walk in the cleaning area. But Lan Wangji simply nodded at them and followed the arrow which showed that there was a talisman on the wall just under his window which was emitting unstable and a tiny bit dark qi.

His morning disrupted, Lan Wangji thought he could at least read the reports and results of the disciples' competition in silence but no.
Halfway through the second report, a knock sounded.
Suppressing a sigh, Lan Wangji got up from his seat and walked to the door.
Whoever was there had not said a word, so maybe it was another servant who had come to deliver the gifts which  one of the sects had sent for him.

But as soon as he opened the door, Lan Wangji found himself engulfed in a hug. He froze on instinct, but the moment he smelled the familiar and unique scent of genatians and heard the voice calling him didi, he melted into the embrace.

He was gently walked back and the door closed behind the person who had come but after that, Lan Wangji just let him be embraced. How had he missed this feeling, the comfort, the warmth and the assurance this gesture brought.

It had been years, the last time Lan Wangji had allowed himself to hugged so tightly that he thought he couldn't breath had been when he was lonely and empty because it had been an year since his mother passed.

"Xionzhang" gradually, he brought his own arms to wrap around his brother and rested his head on his shoulder. Lan Xichen was almost a head taller than him, so Lan Wangji didn't need to worry about piercing his brother in the eye with his headpiece.

They stayed like that for a moment then  Lan Wangji stared at his brother and spoke," Xionzhang?"
As far as Lan Wangji knew, his brother didn't had any plans of coming out of seclusion anytime soon or he would have been there, conference be damned.
But Lan Xichen simply smiled with a foreign pain in his eyes which Lan Wangji knew wasn't because of the past.

Xichen had always been been an expert at reading his brother and right now he could tell that his brother was confused, worried and exhausted. Even though he had certainly not wanted to show the last, his baby brother looked exhausted.
So Lan Xichen simply smiled and said,
"A Zhan, relax didi. We will talk about me later. Right now, I am taking you somewhere."

And just like that they were once again two brothers and not the Chief Cultivator and former Sect leader who simply were going to enjoy some family time.
Lan Xichen was on a mission, and the first task of the mission was to make his brother as relaxed as he could while the drama was still going on. He would deal with the others later.


So here's another chapter. I wanted to publish it on Lan Wangji's birthday but things got delayed. Do tell me what you think.
So where is Lan Xichen taking Lan Wangji? What is Wei Wuxian's plan ? What was in the letter sent by Wei Wuxian to Lan Wangji?🧐🤔🤔
Let me know and I will try to update by next Saturday. Though, no promises.
Ignore the grammatical errors and if you can't then kindly point it out. I may or may not change it.🤗
Don't forget to vote and comment!🤗

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