The Game Is On~ 2

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Content warning: a bit of deep introspection which might lead you to spiral down and some emotional persuation (does it count if it's unintentional and self-thought ?)
I advice you to sit somewhere before starting reading.


After the ignorance incident in morning, Lan Xichen tries to be patient with his brother. They have already so much space between them, Lan Xichen doesn’t want to widen the gap anymore. Wei Wuxian’s words ring in his mind.

‘Lan Zhan needs Lan Xichen, not sect leader Lan.’

 He tries to see when he should step in or help and when his actions could be overbearing. But it seems his efforts are in vain. For someone who never had to think when it came to his younger brother, this isn’t easy.
Thinking about it is strange.
When does he step in and when does he stop ? Each thought seems jumbled and wrong when he tries to act on it, each action seems questioning when he looks at the result.

He is tired of this game. Of push and pull, the tug and twist. They never had such an experience in all these years of growing up. Lan Xichen will even say that the relationship between him and Wangji is the simplest and respected one he has ever heard of.

It’s an perfect sibling relationship; one many wish for. But perfect isn’t always good. Lan Xichen can see quite clearly where the line between perfect and good gets smudged.

He used to pride himself in being able to read his brother, now someone else understands him better.
He used to be the person Wangji would go in times of confusion and trouble:a safe and warm presence he trusted. Now someone else has snatched that place. He used to be the person who taught little Wangji what was right and wrong, someone else taught him courage.

To have this thread of relationship turn cold and twisted is not something he ever imagined to happen in this life.
It makes him anxious, uncertain of himself and his decisions.
Lan Xichen never dreaded his own brother’s reaction. Now each twitch of those lips the furrow of those brows and shift in face makes his heart thunder, a peek of light in dark, an oasis in Thar.
He fails miserably every time.

But Lan Xichen is a determined man.
If he cannot make his brother happy through his actions, he will simply protect him. At least that would be worth it. He understands that his brother has someone now who can make him smile.

If Lan Xichen is just a teensy bit jealous of Wei Wuxian because of that,’s no one’s business.


So, protection. Lan Zhanshi has told him that Wangji wasn’t allowed to do strenuous activities and Lan Xichen will make sure it doesn’t happens.
Nothing more. He is just looking out for his didi, okay?

It’s not okay.

This is to say that he keeps his eyes open and focused on his brother at each moment spent awake and for your information, Lan Wangji is getting annoyed. It’s a new feeling, getting annoyed with his brother but he is at his wit’s end.
Lan Xichen won’t let him sit at the table, comb his hair, bathe alone, walk alone—this was getting out of hand.
The first two cases, understandable as Lan Wangji still needed assistance when it came to using his arm and back muscles. The third case....can be considered but most days he doesn’t need to go through the whole routine which is acceptable at Cloud Recesses because exceptions exist.
But the fourth case? Completely unnecessary. He has two long and strong legs and can walk just fine. Thank you very much.

‘Please someone tell that to his brother.’

“Wangji ah” think of him and here he comes. Lan Wangji closed his eyes, trying to centre his mind and natural qi before he does something he will definitely regret later.
Like hurling his brother across the room.

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