My Beauty My Curse

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They say that the Second Jade of Gusu, Chief Cultivator, His Excellency was truly a jade in every aspect. From his unearthly and non-dispited beauty to his expressionless face and jade like skin or his golden eyes which sometimes sparkled like pools of golden sun in water....the Twin Jades of Gusu were famous for their beauty and cultivation throughout the whole cultivation world, specially Lan Wangji. Maybe it was his stony or blank expression or lack of interaction with others but whatever the cause he was more talked of than his enigma, a mystery for everyone.
Right now if Lan Wangji was grateful for his one of those qualities, then it was his blank face which didn't allow anyone a glimpse of his inner turmoil, the raging storm inside which if Lan Wangji were to unleash will surely make the person and everyone regret their actions and thoughts about him. Even he would, excessive expression is forbidden.  The rules had been drilled into his little mind ever since he could read and write and Lan Wangji was the epitome of blankness and silence.

So he simply curled his fist in his laps hidden from everyone's but one's view while his eyes widened just a fraction upon reading those words.

Dear Airen,
Like a child I wait
For the first snow
'Cause I know
It's like you.
Your blush is like
The first sun
On the snow,
A rose, a gleam
A peony—a beam.
Like a fairy underworld .
You look like
A fallen angel
Bathed in swollen glory
Dipped in molten beauty
Blessed with grace and silver flooring.
Cursed with perfection
Dressed in snowy brocade
With azure lineage.
A glance, is enough to steal a heart,
Feels like thin glass
Music’s never bass
Thoughts of broken shards
Heart in million parts
Eyes ablaze with specks of golden sparks…
Lips awaiting a kiss,  *
My mind could never sing
But for you; my fallen angel
I will reach the sky
Bring you even light,
Anything for your rare smile.              ♤

Your Airen

Look at the end for reference)

Everyone seemed to have fallen under the silencing spell, even a pin dropping could have echoed throughout the hall.
No one knew what to say, and for a moment Jin Ling wished the sect leaders would maintain such decorum during conference, though as it is the reality; he knew it would never happen. From the corner of his eyes, he took a look at Chief Cultivator, Hanguang-Jun and saw he was emotionless as always but if the minuscule frown on Suzhui as he worriedly shot glances downwards and the barely concealed anger on Jingyi was anything to go by.......Hanguang-Jun was angry, no correction, he was apoplectic* and someone was going to pay with their life when this was solved. Though when this mystery would be solved remained a question which Jin Ling was  starting to think was harder than the exam questions he had to answer while his stay in Cloud Recesses.
The silence didn't last long though, just like a sand falling in an hour glass it lasted barely for a second and then the hall was filled with hushed whispers and telling glances. Only the GusuLan table was spared but even their disciples couldn't stop looking at each other trying to solve the sudden mystery which had presented itself oh so graciously in front of them while Jingyi glared at anyone who tried to even steal a glance at Hanguang-Jun from any of the tables, seeing as their teacher had chose to keep his silence.

Crack... Zidian sounded throughout the hall and in a swish, the words hanging in the air (literally) vanished as they were forced to disperse the spiritual energy contained in them. Jiang Wanyin was looking just like he always looked to anyone else with the infamous scowl in its place on his face and the indifference washed over his features like the Sandu Shengshou he was known as with Zidian cracking on his right hand like a hissing serpent who was waiting to strike.
It was no good to rile the ire of Sandu Shenshou, so all the sect leaders shut their mouth at once.
But sect leader Yao opened his mouth as usual (seriously, Jin Ling was willing to bet that the stupid sect leader would die because of his stupidity!) " That's one fine love letter! Why don't we open the pouch ? Surely it wouldn't contain anything malicious as it is obviously a token of love." At this many of the understanding Lan disciples threw sect leader Yao a withering look with so much venom, Jin Ling was afraid that they had all learned this from their teacher and given the intensity of the looks ,the stupid sect leader would have  died under the gaze a thousand times already by now, which Jin Ling thought was a bliss for the said sect leader and a pain for the others.
But all others turned to look at the pouch now lounging there on the table in front of Sect Leader Jin and the maid standing by the table glanced at him.
He turned to look at his uncle, but Jiang Wanyin couldn't do anything. If he responded then the others would say that the Jin sect was being manipulated by him and if he didn't then his nephew  could do nothing but simply allow the maid to open the pouch and they will just have to endure the coming gossiping which were sure to follow. But the one who was going to suffer the most was sitting like a statue even though by now any one with little brain  could have deciphered the person it was addressed to.
Feeling the gaze of his nephew on him, Jiang Wanyin chose to look sideways and it was all the confirmation Jin Ling neeeded to know the option. He nodded and the maid meekly approached the pouch, courtesy to her first experience with the scroll. "Wait.." all eyes turned towards the speaker to find the head disciple of Meili sect speaking.

" Given the first encounter, wouldn't it be better if the maid didn't touch the pouch?" When several eyebrows raised at his statement, he continued, " I mean, her hand nearly burned when she touched the pouch so maybe it would be better if one of the Cultivator with high cultivation touched it, right ?" The sound Zidian echoed like a serpent hissing in stance and the head disciple hurried to open his mouth again but clash.
A wave of spiritual power formed a small boulder around the pouch, but it disappeared quickly and the pouch lay there as it was. "Open it. " Hearing the order of sect leader Jiang, the maid complied and out came a beautiful jewel comb.

The comb was made of rosewood, with carvings of  fowers and a butterfly at one end. The teeth of the comb were broad, obviously made for dense hair.
The maid put the comb on the table like it was a precious thing, which it of course was according to the maid's thoughts, if only she knew.... Though on second thought, it was for the better if she didn't.
Rumours were almost impossible to control between servants when you were a mere teenager, no matter how high your position. Especially when almost all the servants and maids dotted on you like you were their own child and not a sect leader.
The comb kept on the table, she made her way beside the seat of sect leader Jin.
" We sure have a bold cultivator among us!" " Who dared to do such things..!" "Such audacity " such whispers could be heard around the hall and it was all it took for the oh so calm Hanguang-Jun to lose his calm and dismiss the conference. And Jin Ling swear he could feel the ice in Lan Wangji's voice as he dismissed the conference with a sentence and walked out of the hall as soon as propeteiry allowed.

So here's the update.
The poem used in this chapter is not for free use and belongs to the poet. It is a  copyright material. No part of the poem or the poem as a whole may be used,stored and/or reproduced in any form without prior permission from the author. You can find the original version on the website
Also the comb design is mine! So you copying of the design as a whole or even a part of it.🤗


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