Follow Me in The Shadow

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In the Unclean Realm, silence was a rarity usually especially with a sect leader like Nie Huaisang. But in the wee hours of the morning, when even the sun was lazy enough to hide behind his blankets of clouds before the birds woke him up from his slumber, the sky was painted in soft royal blues; a lone figure could be seen in the empty training courtyard— diligently practicing worship. The figure with practiced grace and his moves were swift but rusted. His brows were furrowed in concentration and his each move and step seemed measured, sweat trickled down his foreheadand neck while his eyes focused on invisible targets.
When the figure stopped, he was breathing hard and drenched in sweat but as the cool breeze of morning blew, caressing his face and playing with his hair like an elder sister caring for her younger siblings the figure closed his eyes.
His black robes and red ribbon too swished with the cold and comforting breeze and he allowed himself a moment of languid silence, enjoying the aftermath of the adrenaline rush.

Resting his sword on the bench beside the sword rack, he jumped to the opposite rooftop and took out his flute.
Setting his mouth on the mouthpiece of the dizi, he let the one song which calmed him in an instant letting the music placate his fire and relax his mind, making him forget for a while the reason which brought him in the training area in the morning.
He had been sleeping, had gone to sleep yesterday almost at the same time  he usually did after a day full of planning and brainstorming and instantly fell asleep, waking up abruptly at the break of the dawn drenched in cold sweat and eyes blown wide.
His first thought has been to play chenqing and test his control again, but when he saw the time at which he had woken up, he gave up that idea and took out his sword. His swordship was as good as that of a beginner or a bit above of he were to compare himself with his past self, but his skills had always been unpredictable and it was one of the things which made him the best fighter of his time in his previous life.
Wei Wuxian had been famous for his swordship, extremely so that almost all the cultivators of each and every clan was eager to exchange blows with him. was good if his opponent was an ordinary person or a low level cultivator, but a strong cultivator could and would wipe the floor with him if he were to rely solely on his swordsmanship. But his spiritual energy was increasing and so was his control over resentful energy, though he no longer used Yin iron to control them. He had taken to inventing talismans and other devices, modifying those which already existed in his name too.
Pushing all the negative thoughts aside he let his mind follow the flow of the melody and only stopped when he felt someone watching him.
Opening his eyes, he caught a glimpse of dark black and gray robes behind a pillar and in a blink of an eye appeared behind the spy.
"Ehm..." The person jumped and upon seeing him hid behind his fan like always while avoiding eye contact as if that fan would save him if Wei Wuxian planned to kill him, for now he simply settled on narrowing his eyes at the other. " So...Nie Xiong, care to tell me the reason of your presence here because as far as I remember you do not wake up this early in the morning. "
The other fanned himself furiously while saying," Ahh....Wei Xiong, you really remember such things."

Wei Wuxian snorted and crossed his arms across his chest and tapped his foot as if demanding answers.
His friend sighed and said at last ," Ok ok I am telling, I heard you playing and came. I have to say Wei Xiong, the song is beautiful! Where did you learn it ?" Nie Huaisang wiggled his eyebrows, eager to know the source of such a beautiful song. He loved art and would seriously not let any opportunity to appreciate such a chance go.
" None of your business. Now since you are awake, lets get on with the task. Have you got any news on the activities of the conference and that person ?"
Nie Huaisang slumped, it appeared that Wei Wuxian wouldn't tell him the source, well he will find out later but for now he focused on the work. 
"Ah...the cultivation conference as I told you will take place in a week and all the sect leaders and prominent cultivators will arrive on the first day of the conference. Chief Cultivator will arrive with his disciples a day before and so would sect leader Jiang. He actually was supposed to stay at the Carp Tower but went back due to sect duties. I will start after three days from now as it takes time to get there and with my know." Nie Huaisang seemed to deflate but only for a second, the next moment he went back to his talking self so abruptly that Wei Wuxian thought that he almost imagined it."Anyway you know so, the person as you like to call him Wei Xiong, I got to know has not made any move maybe because of the fact that the Chief Cultivator has not left the Cloud Recesses in a while now after that gift incident at the Carp Tower. He might only make a move when Hanguang-Jun will go out of the Cloud Recesses as he obviously cannot enter Cloud Recesses. " "Hmm..." Wei Wuxian thought when suddenly a thought popped in his mind, " Wait, first tell me why the Cultivation Conference isn't taking place at the Cloud Recesses? Why the Koi Tower again?"
Nie Huaisang avoided his friend's eyes again as he answered " You know Wei Xiong about Zewu-Jun's seclusion and we thought it would be better to host it in Lanling because it would be the first event in which sect leader Jin would formally take part and it could work in his favour...don't you think?" Wei Wuxian had to admit that Jin Ling needed every support he could get and this event was attended by all the sects, and after the mess made by Jin Gaungyao, things were still a bit...scattered.
He thought as to why the person was sending Lan Zhan gifts that too of such kinds...he had his theory but he dared not to think about it, rather he hoped desperately that it was not the case. No Lan Zhan couldn't....but so far only two gifts had been sent and both were rejected by Lan Zhan, so he petted his heart, willing it to remain calm. But the next words out of his friend's mouth robbed him of his relief and calm.
"Wei Xiong, I don't want to make an assumption simply but could it be that the Chief Cultivator has a secret admirer who wants to court him?" At these words,  Wei Wuxian thought he forgot to breath and shot a deadly glare at his friend. "Don't. Don't make such assumptions ever again." He practically growled and Nie Huaisang gulped but gathering his courage he spoke ( which was really stupid of him )" But Wei Xiong...the gifts....they are not usual. Do you think such gifts are given for any other intention...?" But Wei Wuxian simply stormed away before Nie Huaisang could say more. Nie Huaisang  blinked and then sighed, his friend was really obvious and oblivious at the same time......
When they where having their afternoon meal after Nie Huaisang went through some sect duties and being 'I Don't Know Anything', Wei Wuxian had a glint on his eyes.
As soon as they finished their meal Nie Huaisang carefully asked him what was ge up to, to which Wei Wuxian smirked and said, " Nie Xiong, just do as I say and let that admirer FOLLOW ME IN THE SHADOW "

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