Start of a Choas

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It was just another day at Cloud Recesses, the disciples were all in class- some new ones nodding and practicing how to keep awake in the class of Grandmaster Lan, while the more diligent ones listened and wrote down notes with rapt attention.
In a particular class of juniors, a sound of qin could be heard. This was the class of music cultivation headed by the Cloud Recesses' most revered teacher Hanguang-Jun. He was teaching the students a peice from Song of Inquiry.
Not a single student could be seen dozing in the class, the whole bunch of juniors listened with rapt attention, as if afraid to make a sound or miss a tune. After he finished the piece, he silently moved his eyes thorough the room and asked " Any questions?" Immediately two hands shot up followed by several others. "Suzhui ?" Suzhui lowered his hand and asked in a hopeful voice " Hanguang-Jun, can we talk with the spirits simply?" Lan Wangji eyes softened, he knew why Suzhui asked the question. No matter how much he adored him and Wei Ying, a part of him always wished for his blood parents. He had distant memories of them and many a times, Lan Wangji had caught him staring longingly in distance where some small children were walking with their parents.
Suzhui just wanted to know if the spirits of all the Wen remmenants were still not able to rest or if he could talk to them so as to know if they needed help. He wanted to know, he wanted to hear, a d most importantly, he wanted to help.
So Lan Wangji simply nodded,"Mn" and it seemed Suzhui was putting all the lan self-restraint practiced over years in use to not bounce in his seat. Lan Wangji allowed himself a small curve of lips, which quickly vanished before it could be noticed by any disciple. Next was Jingyi, he wanted to know how to prevent the spirits from lying in answer to a question in Inquiry. After answering several other questions, he dismissed the class and made his way to Jingshi to take a look at the letters and go over the reports of the previous night hunt.

The way to Jinshi to quite, the silence broken only by the sound of birds and boots of disciples. He meets his uncle halfway through his destination and bows, "Wangji" "Shufu" they say together. His uncle and him had talked after the whole Guanyin temple incident and there had been silent disappointment and disapproval in his uncle's eyes for some time, but gradually he accepted the fact that for once he was wrong and not him. Though there was still some ice between them but they were working on it.

Lan Qiren regarded his nephew, he had grown so much and all this while waited, fought for and protected his love; without repeating his parent's mistake. He was proud of his nephew if not feeling a bit defeated by the fact that Wei Wuxian was now a welcome guest here and even the last rule foreboding everyone to talk to him, it was crystal clear that no one would follow that rule. So he simply dipped his head in regard and walked away.

After reaching Jingshi, the first thing Lan Wangji did was disrobe himself and sit in in front of the mirror, looking at the Wen brand on his chest. He simply caressed it reminiscing the past and an involuntary 'Wei Ying' left his lips in a soft wishper. Oh, how he wished to meet and see and drown in the sight of that man, the one who would never ever regard him as more than a friend.

Friend, that's what he would always be, because Wei Ying needed someone who could accompany him through his travels a d he couldn't leave Gusu, couldn't leave Cloud Recesses even if he wanted to. With a heavy exhale, he suppressed those train of thoughts and decided to go through the letters. Most were normal sect letters asking for his advice, some subtly hinting their obvious and not-so-hidden dislikes and disapproval of his decisions to help the small villages were people couldn't afford to pay cultivators. He move to the others, and found one asking for assistance in night hunt and help in their region were their own cultivators had failed.
The letter was from one of the minor sect leader, who was never subtle in expressing his obvious dislike for him for reasons still unknown to him. Lan Wangji had only received a letter from him before once, and that was....really confusing one.
The sect leader asked or rather invited him for a night hunt and he had accepted. Though the night hunt soon turned out to be rather a guard duty( he had heard some juniors say that, while a few even wishpered about it being something else, he wasn't sure what) as the princess and prince were also going to join the hunt. Not to fight but to enjoy it.
The princess was in a palanquin, while the prince was on foot with a sword. But the thing was despite being a cultivator the prince couldn't even cast an array properly. All the while during the hunt he kept getting in the way of juniors, and when the creature lunged for Lan Wangji, he was ready with his guqin to finish it off but the prince jumped in front of him and came in his way. So the night hunt was a failure.
Lan Wangji didn't know why the sect was again asking for help when the prince didn't even allowed them work peacefully last time. He read the letter and found that the details were vague, just ' Resentful energy in our region is getting out of control, our cultivators have all but failed. Kindly help.' He thought for a while as how to best reply then at last thought of accepting. He will have to go himself as it seemed that the creature or spirit which was lingering in the area was fierce that whoever went failed.
He will go as he was Hanguang-Jun, and he was were chaos was, he just wished he could be were his own chaos was.

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