Leave Them

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The next morning, Lan Wangji woke up at his usual timing and got ready for the departure. There was much time, seeing as no one else apart from the Lans would wake up at 5 in the morning. It was fine though, as for Lan Wangji it meant a moment of peace before he had to face others.
Lan Xichen had told him that he will follow too, but he will stop at Lotus Pier only. Fron there it would be just him and the disciples.
The Lan and Yunmeng Jiang disciples who had not been selected were supposed to stay at the Lotus Pier only as backup. Jiang Wanyin had been informed about the information but maybe he will have to inform him again.

After breakfast, all the sect leaders gathered to bid final farewell to the Chief Cultivator before setting off towards their own sect. The Nie sect was the second last because Nie Huaisang couldn't ride a sword. The Nie party of horses and carriage went away aftet Nie Huaisang almost talked Lan Wangji's ear off.
Thankfully Lan Xichen was present there too.
Lan Wangji didn't knew why but a stare from his brother and Nie Huaisang shut up faster than lightning.
The Little Master bid him farewell at last, after all the others had gone.
He still had his black cape and veil on, which Lan Wangji wondered why smelled a bit of something he thought he had smelled before, but couldn't recall.
He put that thought for later and bowed back. Most of the rogue cultivators had left early on or yesterday because they knew that they weren't going to be selected.
None of them were from Yunmeng and also while they mingled with other humble cultivators nicely, rogue cultivators did not associate themselves with cultivation world. They were free cultivators who helped the needy and cultivated alone without any care about sect politics or sect duties.
And so, Lan Wangji knew that it was time for Little Master to go. Surprisingly, the rogue cultivator did not ride his sword but walked away with a lazy stroll. Lan Wangji could only blink and stare, confused at the sight.

Later, after the formalities of farewell and everything were over, the Lan delegation rose on their sword along with the Yunmeng Jiang delegation. They flew for almost all the morning and reached Lotus Pier by the afternoon.
Lan Xichen took the disciples to rest while Lan Wangji went with Jiang Wanyin towards his study.
The walk was silent and awkward. Neither of them spoke apart from sect business with each other nor were willing to make an effort. At least Lan Wangji wasn't. He was and had always been stubborn and no matter what, Jiang Wanyin didn't deserve his attempt at breaking the ice. That he will have to do himself. The other looked as tense as the first.
Of course, Jiang Cheng knew that Lan Wangji was a silent person but also that the other didn't think he was worthy of his words. He only spoke when he needed to and Jiang Wanyin knew why too. But he wasn't going to make this any easier if that's what Lan Wangji thought. He had no desire to talk to him either. He will surely never understand what his ShiXiong ever saw in such a stiff person. Well....he knew what his idiot brother saw in the other (utter devotion, stubbornness, grace, an unparalleled love and trust), though he had yet to find out and clear his feelings.
Sometimes, Jiang Cheng really wished to throttle his brother or hit him on the head to get him clear about obvious things. But that was something just he knew and he had no plan to let his thoughts be known anytime soon. No, he had rather die in a puddle of water than die from the embarrassment that such revelation would bring. Wei Wuxian was always looking for blackmail material, so nope, definitely something which will go to grave with him.
They walked while lost in their own thoughts and reached the study.

Inside the study, the atmosphere remained tense for a moment before Lan Wangji thought that he might as well get on with it, his disciples were waiting for him.
" Sect Leader Jiang, I request Yunmeng Jiang to aid us in the night hunt and act as back up along with the GusuLan."
Jiang Wanyin remained silent for a while with his lips pressed in a thin line but eventually spoke, " As his Excellency wishes. Yunmeng Jiang will be glad to assist the GusuLan and Chief Cultivator in anyway possible."
Jiang Cheng knew that Lan Wangji didn't like being called his Excellency as the title was not that much suited for the role of Chief Cultivator.
Technically, the title will be used to address the Emperor who had no connection to the cultivation world
most of the time. Rarely any communication was made with them as the cultivators never liked to mingle with the royalty. Those who did, never spoke of it as they wished for the favour of the Chief Cultivator the most.
Just as he had predicted, Lan Wangji stared at him with a steady gaze. Oh he knew what was that. His brother once chocked on his soup when he called him Yilling Patriarch. Lan Wangji, as minuscule his expressions were could hardly ever be irked. Maybe the pressure had increased.

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