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A man in viridian green and Prussian blue–black robes sat at the low table in the centre, his nimble hands painting strokes of black branches and falling leaves on a paper fan. With one hand holding his sleeves to keep them out of the way and face full of concentration; the person represented a consequential image of a scholar deft in ink art and literature. An incense burner in the figure of a dragon and bull released soothing aroma, a feeling of tranquillity filling the space.

Several scrolls and books on the shelves lining the walls and spiralling the room, paper fans depicting scenic views and ancient poems, window panes painted in mongolian blooms, literary scrolls hung artistically— all culminated together gave an aura of peace, importance and class.
Anyone who entered the room or took a look would say that it belonged to a respected scholar or a person known for their immense knowledge; definitely not someone known as the "Headshaker" or "I Don't Know Anything"; which was exactly the title belonging to the owner of the said room.

Ironic, how public opinion can contrast so much against the actual truth.

The man sitting at the table, non other than the current Sect leader of Nie Clan and probably the most cunning person in the cultivation world at the moment, Nie Huaisang, shifted in his position a frown appearing between his brows on a particularly minute stroke when someone knocked on the door, hard.

Nie Huaisang jolted, concentration snapping and his hand shaking; making a broad stroke near a thin branch. He grimaced looking at the painting, now ruined because of some fool who didn't had the decency to knock softly and sighed. Might as well know what's happening.

Keeping the ruined fan aside, he cleared the table of brushes and ink before calling in whoever was outside. A Nie disciple came in, looking anywhere but at him and Nie Huaisang suddenly wanted to shake the boy.

Why does everyone acts like they fear him ?

" So are you going to tell me anything or not ?" He snapped and you can't blame him. This person just ruined his artwork, he cannot expect for Nie Huaisang to keep his annoyance away now, can he ?

" Uh..Nie zhongzhu...woh( I)—"
" Just speak your mind and go." Nie Huaisang said,waving his hand as if to indicate his disinterest in whatever the disciple had to say. Though he didn't miss the beads of sweat on the boy's forehead and the shaking form, the roaming eyes or the rigid posture; all telling him one thing— the boy felt threatened.

Sensing this, the Nie Sect Leader's eyes narrowed. There was only one person in the whole cultivation world capable of making one feel so insecure that they felt being watched the whole time, the shadows lurking everywhere just awaiting their master's command to strike.

But what was he doing here ?

" Did Wei Wuxian send a message for me ?" The disciple nodded furiously, hands vibrating in full force as he produced a scroll almost dripping in shadows as Nie Huaisang took it.

" Nie zhongzhu, this might be dangerous—" the boy shut his mouth at one look from his leader and the young Nie Sect Leader waved him away.
Keeping the scroll on the floor a few meters away from anything fragile he sent a bit of energy to unseal it and had to hide behind a bookshelf immediately to prevent imminent self danger. The scroll opened to unleash shadows and harsh cries, all bursting open and stuffing the room in an instant; the tranquillity from earlier vanishing.

From his position safe behind the sturdy furniture, Nie Huaisang first gave a pitiful scream and then whipped out two talismans from his sleeves, throwing them in the direction of the scroll. The screams and cries died, leaving in its wake a ominous silence and his own thundering heartbeat. Safe for now, Nie Huaisang opened the scroll already expecting a whirlwind to splash him in the face. Which it did, literally.

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