Heart To Heart

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Talking has always been his greatest forte, something he could use to his advantage anytime. Just string a few words cooked by his brain and there you go. Whoever the listener maybe, his mouth always managed to find a way to turn the tables to his advantage.
But sometimes, his running mouth also got him in problems; troubles and embarrassing situations he would rather not recall.

So it was an irony that at the moment his brain has decided to freeze and his tongue was tied.

Fed up with his fidgeting and jittery behaviour, Jiang Cheng had taken the matters in his own hands- i.e. dumping him in Lan Zhan's room and telling him that he could 'either suck it up and talk like an adult or I won't let you two out'. Wei Wuxian had thought that maybe Lan Zhan's sister would help him. Sadly, even Lan Zhanshi had conspired with him.
The betrayal! Lan Zhan shared the sentiment because he had glared at his tangjie like she took his bunnies away.


Now, Wei Wuxian looked around the room, anywhere but at the person sitting on the bed. The silence was getting awkward but neither made a move to disperse it.

What should they talk about? Where do they start? Who should break the silence? What should Wei Wuxian tell Lan Zhan and what not?
The questions never seem to cease in his mind and yes, Wei Wuxian was hyperventilating, internally.
Thank you for asking. He has been having quite a lot of internal crisis lately, no thanks to power hungry and stupid people.

"Wei Ying" at once, Wei Wuxian turned towards Lan Wangji, whipping around so fast he was surprised he didn't get a whiplash. It was shocking really for the latter to break the silence.
For all Wei Wuxian knew, Lan Wangji could live in silence for years.

"Wei Ying, say something."

The Second Jade had his eyes stubbornly set on the bed, like he didn't want to look at him.
Good for him, Wei Ying thought bitterly. I don't want to look at you either.

He didn't know whether he could handle those almond eyes and that voice at the same time right now.
Even without gazing into those pools of gold it was hard enough to resist the temptation which has been nagging at him for sometime. He doesn't want to spook Lan Zhan.

"Lan Zhan...." Clenching his hands in fists in his lap, Wei Wuxian looked at the hunched figure.
What was usually strong and perfect posture was now a slouched, leaning back resting against the bed; something he was sure Lan Wangji had probably never done in his life.
His hair is swept back completely today, Lan Zhanshi has put it in a simple loose braid so it won't bother him and Wei Wuxian can't help but stare. His hand itches to touch, to weave flowers in those braided strands but he taps down the urge.
There are things to be discussed, the whole plot against Lan Zhan they need to talk about.

But he doesn't want to. Wei Wuxian tries, he really does, but each time he says 'Lan Zhan...' and then stops.
Maybe he has finally gone crazy after handling resentment all the time or perhaps his brain is just refusing to cooperate with him because it can.

He couldn't just say Lan Zhan all the time, now could he? That should be made a rule. Okay, now I am definitely thinking like a creep. What kind of rule would be that? He winced internally at the thought.

Instead, he looks at Lan Zhan. After weeks of extensive care and rest, a bit of colour is rising to his cheeks- they are not the pallid deathly white colour which Wei Wuxian had seen first.
His lips are plush and moist, pink with a touch of brown. They look plush and.....what would they feel like?

Wait. Go back brain, where the hell did that come from?

An image of the scene in Lan Wangji's room in the Koi Tower came to his mind, of a nearly bare Lan Zhan pressed against him, with his back against a wall, within Wei Ying's embrace- and the close-up look of that beautiful face.....

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