Back To Cloud Recesses -I

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Controlling himself had always been a problem for Wei Wuxian, but now it seems that everytime he sucks up his rage, swallows his fury and will to act, it grows more. The suppression stokes his silent anger like a fire, the flame big enough to swallow his whole being.

The feeling leaves him restless and wishing that he destroy something, let his dark mind take control and unleash his wrath upon the person responsible for his fury, who deserves it, anything to cool down the ever growing flame- but the thought of someone forces him to bury his fury somewhere deep from it cannot raise its ugly head and gather that someone in his arms, keep him somewhere where he would be safe, away from this vile world which doesn't deserve him and his purity.

Easier said than done.

The fact that the person he wants to keep burrowed in his arms might be the first one to object to this being the top reason forcing him to shut his thoughts and lock them in some dark corner of his mind.
It's been three days since Lan Wangji was brought to the Lotus Pier and just yesterday, when Wei Wuxian sneaked in his room at night to check on him,the sight had been heartbreaking.

The person lying on the bed had his eyes screwed shut and a frown was present between his brows indicating distress, while he curled on his side.
Gone was the white peerless Jade, Hanguang-Jun, the strongest cultivator of their generation, the Chief Cultivator and all that was left was a wounded and sick Lan Zhan who looked way too similar to the boy in XuanWu cave for Wei Ying's comfort.

He was breathing irregularly and sweat was breaking out on the pale skin.
Thinking of calling someone, Wei Ying turned only to stop when an almost inaudible whimper came from the person on the bed.
Lan Wangji was gripping the sheets and pillow in a death grip, his knuckles almost white while calling for someone.
Abandoning the thought of calling someone, Wei Ying kneeled down near the bed on Lan Wangji's side himself.
Lifting a hand hesitantly he put it on Lan Wangji's head and carded his fingers though the black tresses, trailing his hand down he cupped that soft face and ah...he never thought someone's cheeks could be this soft....
Meanwhile, Lan Wangji sighed in his sleep, feeling the cold hand brushing against his face and his features relaxed a bit.
Though he was still gripping the sheets and his pillow while his lips moved in hushed murmurs, saying words which sounded like someone's name....but the sounds weren't clear.
Thinking the other was settled, Wei Ying removed his hand and stood up but just then, a small sound of distress stopped him. Turning around, he saw that Lan Wangji had one hand lying straight, palm open and fingers stretched as if looking for someone.

Did Lan Zhan just now detect my presence ?

Thinking of testing his theory, Wei Ying went back to his place near the bed and once again started stroking that soft face and soon Lan Wangji's breathing evened out; but as soon as he removed his hand and stood up, the other's face contorted into a frown.
I really am not going anywhere now.....

And just like that Wei Ying spent the whole night in Lan Wangji's room, stroking the sleeping figure's hair and helping him through his nightmare.
When morning came, Wei Ying was ready to dose off then and there, having stayed up most of the night.
But hearing some shuffling, he snapped his eyes open only for them to land on the sleeping person.
Lan Wangji's hair had splayed out in his sleep when he twisted a little, he was still laying on his side with all of his features relaxed and open, his inner sleeping robes parting a little, showing his collarbone and part of sternum.

Even wounded, a sight for sore eyes...

Quickly averting his eyes, Wei Ying got up and seeing no change in the other's features, sneaked out of the room before he could get caught.

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