The Trap : Reality

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Last Chapter :
" Please....leave them."
" As you wish." Then a fragnent cloth was pressed in front of his face and that was the last thing Lan Wangji saw and said before darkness surrounded him.

◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Now :
They say that being unconscious can be a gift sometimes, for Lan Wangji it isn't.
The darkness around him is not stable like when it was during his barely conscious state while he was healing from the wounds the 33 whip lashes had caused. There was no ground underneath his feet and something was forcing him to wake up. It was a call, a call for help, an alarm of warning but who and why ? Who would call him now ? Though the first question should be why is he in darkness and inside his mind ? What was the last thing that happened? The night hunt..... THE NIGHT HUNT! The disciples!
Slowly, the sense of world returned, bringing with it the painful ache which Lan Wangji had been trying to suppress for long. His upper limbs felt like they were holding all if his weight and his neck hurt too. There was a dull stinging in his leg and right arm and his eyes, Lan Wangji found that he couldn't open his eyes. Something was draped over them. His hands must have been tied too.
A groan left his mouth when he shifted a bit. He could hear some shuffling and voices but nothing was clear. His core felt weak, too weak in fact. He tried poking on his core and meridians to check but found he couldn't feel anything. What had happened?

Jingyi had always thought that being unconscious meant that the person was sleeping and so would probably be energized after waking up. He finds that his theory is wrong.
His head hurts and something is kept on his legs which would explain the weight he feels on them. He tried moving his arms but they felt as if something was keeping them behind him.
Opening his eyes, the first thing Jingyi saw were tents. Numerous tents, okay so there were only four tents but still that was a lot; which meant that them being here was planned. There were cultivators standing outside each tent and when Jingyi focused on them fully he found that they were dressed in yellow robes. None of them were actually looking at them which might be because they weren't supposed to.
Next he turned to see what was holding his leg down and found Sizhui lying there. His wounds were treated and wrapped to the bare minimum,as if they just wanted him breathing and awake and didn't care about actually treating him. He himself had some bandages or cotton cloth wrapped around his wounds. Around them, the other disciples were also put on each other, like someone had piled them up without caring about their injuries and  pain the sleeping posture would inevitably bring.
"Hm..hmm.. " Beside Jingyi, Jin Ling stirred. Jinyi let him be and poked Sizhui. "Sizhui....wake up. Wake up!" Sizhui only stirred while Jin Ling groaned. " Can you please shut up! My head is killing me!" Jin Ling complained, holding his head. His head was pounding like someone had hammered his head but soon he opened his eyes and took in his surroundings.
" Where are we ? Don't tell me that guy..."
"Who ?" Jingyi asked. He was curious as to why they were here and since Suzhui seemed like he would not wake up without a bit of help, he left him.
Jin Ling stared at him, " were the first one to be knocked out. I forgot." He said with a smirk. Teasing Jingyi was a rarity, seeing as it was always the other who had some remark on the tip of his tongue whenever Jin Ling managed to go on a night hunt with the GusuLan disciples.
It was nice actually, to be able to leave the Koi Tower and all the sect leader duties which he had to handle now. Sometimes his uncle would even threaten him with banning him from night hunting when he whined too much at him about the work instead of using his old threat of breaking his legs. Well at least before he knew that the threat was just an empty one and his uncle would never even lift a finger at him ; but night hunt ban ? He would gladly. That was why Jin Ling sometimes wished he wasn't as obvious as he was whenever he sent a letter to his uncle. Maybe he could, learning by observing might be better. He cannot even imagine the awkwardness it will bring, beside didn't his uncle once taught him a move just by demonstrating it ? Yup, definitely observation learning.
Jin Ling was brought back to reality by a small pinch on his left arm, courtesy to Lan Jingyi .
" What ?" He snapped, angry at being interrupted in his thoughts.
The annoying Lan disciple had the gal to smirk, " I asked you whom you were talking about earlier before you decided to get immersed in your lala land."
" I was thinking. "
" Whatever..."
" You—"
" Will you tell me or not ?"
" Nope."
" Then help me wake up others." Jin Ling blinked at the other, not expecting a response to his reply but helped him anyway. They managed to wake up everyone without causing a scene and checked for any wounds which they might need to treat, but everyone's wounds were patched and their cores were only recuperating so no spiritual damage, which was nice but Sizhui was having a bit difficulty in sitting straight while some others couldn't walk if they had to escape. They didn't have their swords and their quankin pouches were also missing. Great.

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