Mr. I Don't Know Anything but Everything

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Wei Wuxian never gave up a chance to drink fully whenever he could, but today was an exception.
After hearing the conversation of those rogue cultivators about Lan Zhan, his feet had gotten a sudden energy despite him travelling for ages now without rest. But as he walked through the crowd of Qishan, a"Wei Xiong" made him stop in his track.
He turned back slowly and saw a demon mask out of the corner of his eyes.He stretched his arm out and in a swift movement jerked the mask from the wearer.
There in front of him was standing his wicked but best friend Nie Huaisang.
"Ah..sect leader Nie!" He mock saluted his friend and smiled crookedly.
"Aiyah, Wei Xiong. Can you stop your teasing." Suddenly Nie Huaisang straightened, opened his fan and while hiding himself behind it said, "I need to talk, come with me." Seeing his friend with such an expression immediately made Wei Wuxian alert. He knew when his dramatic friend was serious it was damn serious talk!
They nodded at each other and soon Wei Wuxian found himself in the Unclean Realm. Memories with a certain moon floated in his mind, his anger,despair and fear to which he had been blind at that time.
Shaking himself out of those memories, he looked towards his friend who for once has kept his fan folded instead of fanning himself .
"So, sect leader Nie. Will you tell me what is this sudden invitation to talk?" Even though he didn't consider Nie Huaisang enemy but it was because of his plan that Zewu-Jun went into seclusion. So for the time being, he will remain formal.
"Ah, Wei Xiong. I really need to tell you something. It's...about the Chief Cultivator." As soon as Nie Huaisang said this, Wei Wuxian's head snapped so fast in his direction, Nie Huaisang feared Wei Wuxian would snap his neck; with a deadly glare fixed towards him. Nie Huaisang cowered and raised his hands in defences as if he knew what Wei Wuxian was thinking. "Aiyah, I didn't do anything! I just know something and need to tell you." Wei Wuxian simply raised an eyebrow, "Really? You know something. What happened? Is Lan Zhan okay? Did something happen? Is he injured?" Nie Huaisang blinked and and stopped his train before it could go out of control, " No, the Chief Cultivator is okay....well at least now. And I do know something Wei Xiong. You forgot that that I keep track of rumors. "
Wei Wuxian slumped in his seat and sighed," Yeah. How can I forget that it was you who planned everything before? By the way, you couldn't control the ugly portraits of mine" Nie Huaisang purposely ignored the jab and said instead while in the sanctuary of his fan," was to keep you under cover." Wei Wuxian agian jerked his head. " Wow, but now the case is solved. And I am handsome Nie Xiong!" He replied with a laugh. Hearing the words from Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang was confirmed that Wei Wuxian was willing to forgive him, so he moved to the matters at hand. " Wei Xiong, can you promise me not to interrupt when I am telling you what happened?"
"No promises." Wei Wuxian grimaced, he had a bad feeling about this.
"I think that's the best I can hope for." Nie Huaisang half mumbled to himself and then sitting a little straighter and putting his fan away he started. When Wei Wuxian saw his friend put the fan away he knew the situation was serious.
" You know about the conference I suppose as you might have heard it. Apparantly, this cultivation conference is much different from the ones before, as this time each sect will come with their best disciples mixed with the new juniors.
This is supposed to be an experience for the best disciples and an encounter for the juniors, so that they could get to know what is it really like to participate in competitions. The chosen disciples will participate in many competitions and at the end of the event the winners of each competition will get to go on a night hunt led by the Chief Cultivator himself.
Aiyah, don't give me that look Wei Xiong! The Chief Cultivator himself proposed the idea. Even many rogue cultivators are coming this time, because Hanguang-Jun is there. You know that he never attended any cultivation conference before so everyone is anticipating this event. "
He paused for a minute letting Wei Wuxian digest the whole thing till now.
"But we got a problem. You see, before the conference was planned, the four sect leaders met at Carp Tower in Lanling. All of us were going to spend two days there as Jin Ling is still young and cannot handle all the matters.
But the next day, in the morning.....Chief Cultivator found a...I think you can call it a gift, it was a wooden box with could patterns on it. "
"..." Nie Huaisang checked for a trace of any incoming danger towards himself, ready to jump out of the way if Wei Wuxian thought of flinging the table at him. But all he could see was a blank expression with a single raised eyebrow. So he continued, "The whole room was searched, but not a trace was found as to how the box came inside the room. The guards hadn't noticed anyone during the night and we all know the waking hour of Gusu Lan, so it was shocking that anyone not only passed the guards but could even enter the room of Hanguang-Jun, place a box on his low table and slip out without notice too."
" Lan Zhan didn't notice anyone sneaking into his room? That's new." Wei Wuxian didn't know why but he was really thinking of strangling whoever tried such thing. But why a gift ? " How did you know it was a gift?"
Nie Huaisang laughed awkwardly, " Ah, Wei Xiong don't get angry but apparently the box was opened in the presence of everyone and it contained a perfume and a bottle of aromatic oil. What do you think it was?" When Nie Huaisang took a glance at his friend, he instantly regretted it.Wei Wuxian looked like he was boiling with rage.
" Nie Huaisang, you.....hasn't anyone done anything about this? Is this why Lan Zhan needs security?"
Nie Huaisang nodded " Yeah, you are correct. The others couldn't do much. Sect leader Jin practically searched the whole tower, while sect leader Jiang helped with interrogation of servants and guards. But no one found anything. And I have spread rumors regarding the Chief Cultivator being in tight security so that the person can know he doesn't has any chances. The cultivators you saw in the inn must be mine, they are going around as rogue cultivators to spread the talk.
I also did some searching and found that it wasn't the first time Chief Cultivator got a gift. Actually according to an innkeeper in Caiyi town, the Chief Cultivator came to his inn when ona night hunt and the inn keeper found another gift on the bed of the Chief Cultivator in his room when he went to get the bath ready for him. Hanguang-Jun had just arrived with the disciples after the night hunt and had asked for a bath to be drawn but when the innkeeper went into his room, he found a small box on the bed which wasn't there when he checked last time."
" You mean this person has been following Lan Zhan since Caiyi town?" Wei Wuxian rubbed his chin thinking deeply, suddenly he realized, " Wait ,Nie Xiong! You said you spread rumors. was you who spread those ugly portraits of Yilling Patriarch!" He exclaimed, while glaring at his friend who was hiding behind his fan and sweating.
"Ahhh......Wei Xiong! You know it was for your own sake! If everyone knew and recognized you would you have been able to roam as freely as you dis while working with Hanguang-Jun?" Nie Huaisang cursed himself for telling his genius friend who could connect dots from miles apart. But his friend though rather genius was dumb when it came to himself, he sighed. He hoped Wei Wuxian would realise it sooner for the sake of the other at least.
" Hey, Nie Xiong..." Wei Wuxian drawled with an evil smirk on his face, Niw Huaisang liked that expression right now, yup! He was also really grateful for the fact that the smile wasn't directed at himself but that unfortunate person who had clearly signed his death now.
"Yes Wei Xiong?" " What are we waiting for ? You device such a plan before, surely you can do so once again! Let's get started. " Wei Wuxian chirped while Nie Huaisang shuddered.

———————————'s an update. What are thse two planning? Hehe....RIP dear offender.
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