Thirty - San's Letter

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I was supposed to post this chapter on Wednesday but I kept forgetting. Here it is enjoy!


After having rested for an hour, he had finally decided it was time to get his head back into the game. He glanced over at the folded piece of paper he had placed on his coffee table earlier before picking it up. Praying it would be something useful, Wooyoung opened it slowly. His heart raced as he read the first few sentences.

"Hey Woo... you probably weren't expecting a letter like this, especially one from me. You're also probably expecting some sort of love confession, sadly that isn't what this letter is about. Don't be sad though, those words I'll save them for another time. A time where both you and I are face to face, I'll make it an unforgettable moment for you. That's as long as you stay with me till then."

Wooyoung tried to hold back his smile but he couldn't, he ended with a smile stretching from ear to ear plastered on his face. "I guess we'll both have something to say then. Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. So you better not as well."

"Anyways onto more important matters. Last night at around 8pm I recieved a call, My guard for that night, Seonghwa, had taken me to the call room. Hongjoong was on the phone. He told me that he was going to head to the location I told him about, and that a car had been tailing him for the past few days. Although he didn't go into much detail about that whole situation I did manage to get a few bits of information. One, the car was a black sedan, the plate number WJC9 OC6. This will most likely be a stolen car or plate. So there is a high possibility you won't be able to find the culprit from just that. I know I'm risking a lot right now and I really didn't want to ask you this. In about a week I'll be out for another one of my free days lets meet then and I'll tell you the address to my other house."

Wooyoung chuckled quietly to himself. It was good that he got to see San again, although he was pretty sure they'd have to keep their acting up for a while. If Hongjoong was targeted that meant that someone must have known he was working with San.

They wouldn't have been able to find that out easily since Hongjoong liked to keep his cases as far away from the media as possible. So far no one had figured out Hongjoong's previous clients, which made it very weird that as soon as he took San's case he would be eliminated. Someone from inside that prison must be giving out these information. And if San's guess was right, Wooyoung may well likely be the next target. To prevent the likelihood of that happening, the relationship between San and him must remain a secret. Therefore, the whole argument and fighting might seem to help in some ways.

Wooyoung snapped out of his thoughts and went back to reading the letter. "The second piece of information Hongjoong had given me was something regarding my case. Although I didn't manage to get the full story, I did hear a good chunk of it. If what I had told you before about my father controlling me was proven to be true, then there's a really high chance my sentence would he reduced from life imprisonment to a minimum of 5-10 years. However it could be longer if there wasn't enough pieces if evidence to support my plea. Meaning if all things go bad I could be looking at 20-30 years."

His heart sunk to the bottom of his chest. If things were to go really bad, then San and Wooyoung couldn't possibly be able to continue seeing each other. Twenty to thirty years... that's a long period of time. If Wooyoung were to wait for that long, then he would practically miss out on his adulthood. By the time San would be released they would have already been in their 50s.

"Wooyoung I already know you're overthinking everything right now so just bare with me for a second. As I was saying, Hongjoong had told me that because I had accumulated all these pieces of evidences against my father, my sentence wouldn't be that long. So you're looking at a 2-5 year sentence."

He sighed out in relief and prayed to god that everything would work out in San's favour. He really wanted him by his side as soon as possible. Five years wait is nothing for Wooyoung... he could wait for that long.

"Happy aren't you?"

Wooyoung laughed out. "What the hell is he? A mind reader?"

"I knew you'd be happy to hear that. Anyways that's all I'd managed to get from Hongjoong. Now I know you're probably dying to go to the police station to hand this in but please don't. For your sake and mine. For now we've got to keep everything between us. It's just you and me right now. And if we want to work fast then no one else can know."

Surpsingly Wooyoung somewhat agreed with everything he had to say. Who knew who those officers work for and who their bosses work for? If they wanted to work fast, they have to keep this as low profile as possible.

Wooyoung took out his phone and snapped a couple of photos of the letter, just incase he ended up losing it. He quickly opened up his email and sent the pictures directly to himself again just for safe measures. What if someone came knocking on his door and attacked him? The first thing they'll check is his phone and will most likely got through his photos and messages. No one will think to search his emails. 

Just as Wooyoung was about to call it a day, he heard a knock on his front door. Shivers ran down his spine as his thoughts travelled to places they shouldn't. He mentally cursed himself for even thinking of this same exact scenario a few minutes ago.

Wooyoung breathed out deeply before tip toeing to the entrance quietly. He mentally braced himself before edging to look through the peep hole. A small, slim figure with a bucket hat and light brown hair stood casually waiting for Wooyoung to open.

His heart raced as he took a closer look at the person standing at his door. "There's no god damn way..." He whispered to himself. "There's now way that's possible." He rubbed his eyes roughly before looking through the hole again. Although he couldn't see the person's face, he was 99% positive Wooyoung knew who he was. "Kim Hongjoong...?"


How are you guys feeling today? Anything good happen recently or is it just the same old?

Anyways as always thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and comment if you did. I would very much appreciate that.

What do you guys think is happening? Any ideas?

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