Eleven - Soo Ji

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San   Wooyoung

"Yes that's me. But who are you..?" Soo Ji asked. Wooyoung could feel everyone's attention on them, this wasn't the right place to tell her.

"I'm sorry" He whispered before leaning down till they were face to face. He brought his lips closer to her ears and parted his lips slightly. "I'm your brother's doctor, Jung Wooyoung. Can you come with me for a second?"

Wooyoung pulled away and looked at her. She gulped before nodding slightly. He knew she wasn't particularly keen on talking about San since her body seemed to have tensed slightly. Wooyoung held out his hand, she looked at it before holding onto it and letting him lead the way. He could hear the gossips from the people around them but those soon faded once the two of them were in his car.

"I'm sorry for coming here so suddenly but I wanted to talk to you about San." Wooyoung spoke up. He reached out for his seat belt when he'd realised Soo Ji hadn't worn hers yet. He quickly leaned over and pulled her seat belt over her before clicking it in.

"Thanks." She whispered. She seemed rather uncomfortable by the whole situation.

"Don't worry I won't do anything to you if that's what you're thinking. I have a boyfriend." He reached into his wallet and pulled out his medical license card. "And I'm not some scammer or anything. This is my medical licence. I'm a real doctor."

She took in his medical licence before nodding. "Oh.. Okay"

Wooyoung fastened his seat belt and started the car. He'd driven as far away from her school but not too far. They'd stopped at a nearby cafe so they could talk. He presumed this place would be most suitable. He didn't want Soo Ji to misunderstand his intentions and accidentally cause a scene.

They sat down at a table near the window. Soo Ji stared outside. "Would you like anything?" He asked.

She shook her head. "I'm fine for now thank you." She turned to face Wooyoung. "How do you know San?"

"I told you I'm his doctor. And well he's sort of like a friend to me now." Soo Ji nodded in understanding which made Wooyoung carry on talking. "He asked me to come talk to you..."

"San did?" He eyes widened as if she was rather taken back by his words. "Why would he?"

"Soo Ji he really cares about you, you know? He asked me to come check on you and see if you're alright."

She laughed in disbelief. "Why is he acting like this all of a sudden after everything he's done...?!"

Wooyoung sighed. "You do know that it's not his fault right?"

"Not his fault?! Did you just say its not his fault?! He kille-"

"Soo Ji!" He warned her. Wooyoung couldn't risk having people's attention on them.

She brushed a few strands of hair, that had fallen to her face, back. "What do you mean it isn't his fault? He killed so many people" She said through gritted teeth.

"Well he did, but have you ever considered that maybe he did it to protect you and your mum?" Wooyoung stared at Soo Ji, he was trying to figure out just what she was thinking.

"W-What do you mean?"

Wooyoung's expressions softened. "I know this is not my place to talk but, you and your mother weren't living in the best conditions at home right? Have you ever thought that maybe he didn't have a choice?"

She gulped. "So you're saying San-i..?" Her eyes started to water as everything started to fit into placed. "He did it for us?"

Wooyoung reached out and held her hand trying to give her a little bit of comfort. "San wouldn't kill people without a reason.." A few tears rolled down Soo Ji's cheeks. "You know that Soo Ji, you know your brother isn't that type of person"

Wooyoung got up quickly and walked to the counter before asking for a glass of water. He'd come back to the table and gave Soo Ji water to calm her down. She looked up at him and smiled "Thank you."

Now that Wooyoung was taking a closer look at Soo Ji he'd realised that she was indeed San's sister. They had fairly similar features. It was like Wooyoung was seeing the female version of San, which of course wasn't that far off.

"What did San say about me?" She spoke up, breaking Wooyoung's train of thoughts.

"He wanted me to ask you a few questions. Hey, instead of me telling him what you told me how about you do it?"

"Huh? How? He's not allowed any visitors.." She said half heartily.

Wooyoung smirked before leaning towards Soo Ji and whispering a few things to her. "What do you say?"

He pulled away and looked at her. She had a huge smile on her face. "Let's do it!"


Wooyoung had finally finished everything for the day and had just got home. He lived in a huge apartment that was practically to big for one person. He got changed into a comfortable pair of PJs and was about to jump into his bed when he'd remembered Yeosang was coming over. He groaned and dragged his feet to the living room. He sat down on the couch and waited. Soon, he'd heard Yeosang put in his pass code and enter his apartment.

"You're finally here?" Wooyoung spoke up. He heard footsteps head towards him before he saw Yeosang's face.

Yeosang lifted up a few bags "I bought fried chicken. I hope you don't mind. Do you have any beer? Or alcohol?"

"Mind? Of course I don't mind! I'm starving. And yes I have beer" Wooyoung got up and headed to his fridge before taking out 4 cans of beer. "Is four enough?"

"I guess so" Yeosang began taking out all the fried chicken boxes he'd bought while Wooyoung brought the beer. Wooyoung placed the cans on the table before sitting back down on the couch.

Yeosang began opening the boxes one by one. Wooyoung reached out quickly to snatch a drum stick when he felt Yeosang slapping his hand. "Not so fast"

"Why??!" Wooyoung replied in a rather loud and annoyed tone.

"You have some explaining to do. Or did you think you could just get away with it?" Yeosang replied. "If you want to eat then you have to speak."

Wooyoung huffed before picking up a can of beer and opening it. "Fine I'll speak. But just so you know there's not much I can tell you. You know patient-doctor confidentiality."

"Yeah yeah I know, now hurry up before I finish all this chicken myself. And you know I'm perfectly capable of doing just that" Yeosang picked up his first drum stick and began eating. All Wooyoung could do was gulp before starting to speak.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment please! Stay safe and healthy!

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