Thirty Four - Escape Plan

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Blindfolded and tied up, he had no way of getting out. He'd been here for what seemed to be three weeks maybe even a month if his calculations were correct. In those three weeks his blind fold had only been taken off 2 times. Once while he was being brought into this room, and the second when someone, quote on quote "special", came to visit him.

Hongjoong had somewhat of a rough idea of how the room looked like. There was a single chair in the middle of the room, that was the one he was seated on. To his left was a metal table with several familiar tools nicely arranged. Unfortunately Hongjoong knew what each and every one of those could do to a person and exactly how they felt. At this point he might be completely unrecognisable to random people. Behind him, Hongjoong assumed was a door, that's the only way those who locked him here could enter. Other than that, he didn't think there was anything else in this room.

He'd been waiting for the perfect time to escape and so far he hasn't been successful. Tonight was the night Hongjoong decided to make his grand escape. A few days ago he'd over heard a couple people talking outside, most of them were going to leave for a couple of hours to go on some sort of mission.

After a few days of thorough planning, Hongjoong decided tonight was his one and only chance. He'd been rubbing the rope tied around his hands on the bottom of the chair hoping to somewhat loosen it. In a way it helped, he'd managed to get it as loose as he could, Hongjoong prayed no one would notice how loose they'd gotten.

Throughout his whole time here he'd suffered countless cases of violence both physical and mental abuse. The person who had Hongjoong tied wanted to know vital information about San's case. Such as where he hid his important things. However Hongjoong had refused to give up anything, he wasn't a lawyer for nothing.

After a few hours, he could no longer hear any voices outside his door. Hongjoong quickly pulled his hands apart, completely ripping the rope that was wrapped around them. His hands made their way up to the back of his head to undo the blindfold, the light blasted into his eyes. It took a few seconds to adjust before he tried to get up, but his feet had given up on him. Hongjoong stumbled to the ground and began crawling towards the table on his left. He needed to have a weapon of some sort to help him make his way out. There was no way he was left all alone in this building. He grabbed a hammer with his right hand and used his left hand to pull himself up onto his feet. It took a few minutes to properly stand up and take a few steps without falling down.

He'd made his way to the metal door but quickly halted when he heard voices from outside. Hongjoong's heart pounded against his chest, beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He clenched the hammer in his right tightly, breathed out slowly and prepared himself. There was no way he was staying in his hell hole any longer. The voices got louder and louder, he heard keys clanking against one another before a lock turned. The door opened towards Hongjoong and two men stepped in to a seemingly empty room.

"Where'd that fucker go?!" One of them shouted before running into the room, the other followed behind him shortly. Hongjoong ran out from behind the door and quickly shut the door behind him as he exited. The two men were stupid enough to leave the keys in the key hole so he locked them in. Hongjoong took the keys with him and made a run in the only direction he could go.

He felt like he was running through a maze and often wondered if he'd already been this way. The whole place was awfully quiet. Hongjoong had not seen a single person ever since he left his room. He quickly shook away his thoughts, afraid he might jinx himself.

After countless minutes of running, he'd finally come across what seemed to be the front door. Hongjoong sighed in relief he was finally free. He reached out his hand, grabbed onto the door handle and fiddled with it a few times. Of course it was locked. Without wasting a second, Hongjoong grabbed the keys that he'd taken and began going through every key one by one in hopes that one of them opened the door.

"Come on.. come on." He muttered underneath his breath. Hongjoong looked up slightly to check what the next key was but instead saw the silhouette of a man launching himself at him. Hongjoong's eyes widened before he threw himself away from the door. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and head as he hit the hard floor. The hammer was no longer in his hand, he frantically looked around until he'd found it. He'd found it several inches away from him but it wasn't within arms reach. The black haired tried to get up but was quickly brought back down when a fist came flying towards him. The man climbed ontop of Hongjoong and began throwing punch after punch. Luckily it wasn't long before Hongjoong had managed to push him off. The black haired crawled to get his hammer and was quickly able to grab it before his captor caught his foot and dragged him back towards him. They both scrambled for the upper hand before Hongjoong finally decided to swing his hammer. The impact was so strong it sent the man flying to the ground, Hongjoong got up after making sure the man was passed out.

"That has to get me at least 2 years in prison... if he's not dead..." Hongjoong cursed before rubbing his hand over the back of his head. When he bought it down, blood covered the majority of his hand but he didn't have time to care about that now.

After a few seconds of fiddling with the keys he'd managed to open the door and make a run. He'd sprinted as fast as he could on the main road. As far away from that place as possible. There was no cars in sight, the lawyer would probably have to run for hours till he could find someone. And that is exactly what he did.

After a while, he'd come across a black van heading the same was as him. Hongjoong paused in his tracks and stood in the middle of the road. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't see if the van decided to run him over. He heard a few honks before the screeching of tires.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" The driver screamed in the loudest voice.

"Please... please save me." Hongjoong was exhausted, he'd lost so much blood at this point. His shoulder felt like it was ripped out of its socket.

The driver sighed before cocking his head to the empty passenger seat next to him. "Get in."


Sorry for taking a while to post. This chapter was a pain to write 😭😭. It took me a while to get down exactly what I wanted and make it somewhat interesting...

I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment if you did. Stay safe and healthy.


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