Thirteen - Secrets

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San   Wooyoung

"Boyfriend?!" San felt a burst of heated emotions explode within him. One emotion overpowered the rest. Anger.

He watched as a huge smile spread across Wooyoung's face as his partner began walking towards him. They actually had the audacity to exchange a hug and a short kiss in front of San.

"What are you doing here? I thought you said you weren't going to come today" Wooyoung asked with an overly happy voice, which didn't seem to work too well this San.

"I thought I'd surprise you. I finished early and wondered if you wanted to go home together." The man replied making San roll his eyes in annoyance. Everything about the latter made San feel on edge. He gave off weird vibes that didn't sit well with San.

"Sure let's go home together." San hated how enthusiastic Wooyoung seemed about the whole situation. "Oh San-i"

"Yes?" Both San and Yeosang spoke up. They exchanged uneasy glances, Wooyoung stuck in between them.

"He's talking to me" Yeosang spoke up. His tone harsher when talking to San than with Wooyoung.

San raised an eyebrow up and breathed out from his mouth, trying to calm himself down seemed to be the best option right now. "You're not the only person who has that nickname."

San was ready to brush up on his slaughtering skills with this man. He'd even go the extra length of separating the flesh from the bones. But Wooyoung seemed to have other ideas. He stood in the middle, his back towards San.

"Hey you guys how about we all take a deep breath and calm ourselves down? Yeosang meet San." Wooyoung turned to face San. "San, this is Yeosang. Now that you've met I think we understand there's been a misunderstanding. Sang and San sound similar so obviously there would be a mix up." He laughed nervously hoping that it would get rid of the built up tension.

San glared at Yeosang and the latter glared at him. Both of them weren't ready to drop the subject but one of them had to take the first step. Wooyoung held onto San's hand. "Hey San let's drop this yeah?" Before San realised, Wooyoung leaned in and whispered into his ear. "You do want to keep seeing each other don't you?"

'Damn' San thought. The doctor knew exactly how to make San grab a hold of himself. So him being the smarter person, decided to pull out from the glaring contest they had going on.

San took one last look at Wooyoung before walking away from them but then quickly taking a U-turn when he remembered something. His eyes locked on Wooyoung's. Wooyoung sent him a confused look. "San? What's up?"

"Can you do me another favour?" When Wooyoung didn't refuse he continued. "Can you check on Soo Ji at least once a week for me? Maybe even arrange a meeting?"

Wooyoung nodded. "Sure. I'll see what I can do. I'll let you know soon okay?"

"Thanks. And um.. I can't leave on my own yet so I have to wait for someone to come take me. Either Yunho or Seonghwa." San noticed a slight reaction from Yeosang but paid no further attention to it.

It wasn't long before Seonghwa came to escort San back to his cell. San watched from afar as the leader of the guards made his way towards him. "San" Seonghwa said. It wasn't an order nor a question. He was simply addressing the fact that San was there.

Seonghwa's eyes made their way around and examined everyone standing around San. San, being very observant, had picked up on quite a few things in that short span of time. Like how Seonghwa looked at Yeosang, Wooyoung and him differently. There was something San was missing, and although he didn't think of himself as a detective he certainly found himself acting like so.

"Yeosang? What are you doing here?" Seonghwa spoke up. The tone of his voice had increased from before. Which made San think that this man, Park Seonghwa was not informed about Yeosang's arrival or believed a prison would be the last place the two would meet at. And if San's theory was correct the two definitely had some thing between them.

"Do you... know each other?" Wooyoung looked between the two men. One the captain of the guard, and the other his boyfriend.

San didn't miss the way Yeosang reached out for Wooyoung's hand and held it. A slight muscle in his jaw twitched and he clenched his fists tightly. He had the urge to pull the two apart and claim Wooyoung as his right then and there. "We met each other on a business trip. You know when I was in Japan?" Yeosang answered.

Wooyoung nodded "Oh... that's how it is?" San could clearly make out the mixed emotions displayed on the latters face. He knew that Wooyoung had sensed something odd about Yeosang and Seonghwa's behaviour. From the moment they set eyes on each other... Even San realised it himself, they did not just meet in Japan but rather something else took place.

Although San had discovered some pretty juicy stuff, he was in no mood to reveal it or continue unravelling this mystery. It was late and he was tired, and seeing how the high guard was practically flirting with someone wasn't quite helping to relieve his fatigue

"You know no one likes to be held up when their tired, apparently it seems to cause a build up of frustration and anger. I don't think you'd like to stick around to find out what happens when I'm tired, so I suggest you cut down the oh so obvious first introductions that have clearly happened quite a while ago in a way both Dr Wooyoung and I would never have expected, and hurry up and take me to my cell. I can be quite a monster you know especially when I'm tired and frustrated"

"Alright start walking then" Seonghwa quickly headed by San's side without saying another word. They left the others and made their way down a few hallways and past a few cells before reaching San's cell. Seonghwa opened the cell door and motioned for him to step inside.

"You know I'm suddenly thinking I'd like a bedtime story." San smirked.

"A what?" The latter asked.

"A bedtime story." San repeated. "I'm thinking of one about two men one a doctor and the other a guard. Oh it gets better. The doctor has a boyfriend but he seems to hit it off with the guard in Japan. And guess what? The setting of their first introduction is quite peculiar. It took place on... guess what a bed! They introduced themselves on a bed" San looked up to see any reaction. "Or that's how I think it goes. I'm pretty sure you know more about this story than me. Would you mind reading it to me?"

"Haha pretty funny. I've got to say that's quite an imagination you've got there." Seonghwa chuckled quietly before gently guiding San inside his cell. "Go inside now. Maybe your cell will have a few stories of its own. You're not the first prisoner that's been in here you know." And with that Seonghwa closed the cell gate before he left.

San's laughs grew louder and louder every second. He found Seonghwa very amusing and the way he played along with San was very much to his liking. 'This is interesting' He thought.

"Park Seonghwa. He's a very interesting man with quite a story to share. I'm going to be the first one to hear it whether it comes out of his mouth voluntarily or by force..."

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 😀

I'm thinking of starting another ff either along side this one or after this finishes. Can you comment which ship you would like me to do next?

Don't forget to vote and comment. Stay safe and healthy.

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