Thirty Three - Surpises

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Wooyoung headed into his bedroom to grab a random shirt from his wardrobe while San took a seat on the couch. He picked out a black hoodie and quickly pulled it over his head. He was so lost in thought, everything that was happening around him, and now San. It got him thinking was today the best time to tell him about his feelings? Wooyoung wasn't really intending on getting in another relationship this early...

It seemed that Wooyoung was taking a long time picking out a shirt that he heard San calling out his name. "Wooyoung! Did you pass out or something what's taking you so long?"

Wooyoung quickly brushed away all his thoughts before pulling the shirt over his head. "I'm coming give me a second!" As he made his way out, his eyes laid on San. All the lust he thought he'd calmed down earlier came back in full force.

"What are you doing? Come sit down." The blonde patted on his lap and gave Wooyoung a slight smirk.

"I- you want me to sit on your lap..?"

San shrugged and nodded. "Why not? You're my boyfriend now."

The doctor was taken back slightly. San was now his boyfriend. It felt somewhat weird but at the same time it was nice. Wooyoung headed into the kitchen and grabbed any left over snacks he had stored in his cabinet, before making his way back to the living room and placing them on the coffee table. He picked up the TV remote and went to sit down when he felt arms wrap around his waist, before he was pulled down onto San.

"Thought you could get away with it?" San whispered into the latter's ear.

"Get away with what...?" Wooyoung knew exactly what San meant but he wanted to hear him say it again.

"Sitting with me."

Wooyoung smiled. "I am sat with you."

"Sat on me." San whispered into his ear again, getting closer than before.

"I didn't know you had a thing for being sat on?" The doctor joked not really expecting a confirmation from San.

"There's alot of things you don't know about me." San shuffled behind Wooyoung, before the doctor could prepare himself, he felt teeth biting down on his ear. Wooyoung held back a moan that was threatening to escape his mouth.

The black haired leaned forward slightly to distance himself from San's mouth. "Well I guess I have a lot to learn." He sensed San moving behind him again. "Not now though. I want to take things slow..."

"What do you mean? We've already kissed-" The blonde paused for a second. "-several times. Don't you think the pace is perfect?"

Wooyoung pushed himself off of San's lap and onto the sofa next to him before locking eyes with San. "Hear me out.. I want this relationship to last long and if we go a little bit too fast don't you think we'll get bored of each other?"

San smiled and reached out to hold Wooyoung's hand. "I will never get bored of you. But I respect your opinion and if that's what you want then I'm totally okay with it."

"Thank you."

There was a moment of silence between them which lasted for a minute before San broke it. "So.. have you got any movies?"

Wooyoung nodded and reached out for the TV remote. He clicked a few buttons till he'd finally managed to get a suitable movie on. For the next 2 hours of the movie, the two cuddled in each other's arms finally content.

They'd both spent the whole evening together, they watched movies, had dinner then desserts, exchanged a few kisses here and there before it was finally time for San to leave. The clock had hit 8pm close enough to his curfew time.

"I had a really fun day." San got off the couch and Wooyoung followed him. "And like always I have to go. I can't really make an excuse like last time seeing how we're not supposed to be on good terms."

"Ah speaking of good terms. Didn't you tell me you were going to tell me a few things? Such as your apartment address and everything related." Wooyoung replied. He'd completely forgotten to ask San after everything that had happened today.

"I was hoping you'd forget.."

The doctor chuckled slightly. "Never."

"Fine. I'll tell you, but promise me not to go there. Especially now that Hongjoong is gone, I don't want anything to happen to you." San leaned close to Wooyoung and placed a kiss on the top of his head.

"Hmm.. I promise."

San had stayed over for 10 more minutes telling Wooyoung about everything important. The house address, what was in there, who he trusts and who has something out for him.

"What about your guard?" Wooyoung spoke up

The blonde glanced at Wooyoung slightly. "Seonghwa? What about him?"

"Do you trust him?"

San paused for a second. "I don't know. He seems trustable, but at the same time I know how close he is with the head. Anyways I really have to go now." The blonde made his way to the front door Wooyoung following behind him. When San reached the door, he stopped. "What would you do if I suddenly disappeared?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Nevermind forget about it." San smiled at Wooyoung one last time before leaving. The doctor watched him leave till he could no longer see him, before closing the door.

He'd waited in the hallway for a few minutes, clearly lost in thought. Wooyoung knew that his current boyfriend had a lot of enemies, and that so many people might want to harm San, yet he couldn't do anything about it. He felt powerless when it came to San and everything surrounding him.

Wooyoung was about to leave and head to his room when he heard a loud thump on the door. He thought he was hearing things so he ignored it the first time but then the thumping got loud. "Open the god damn door Jung Wooyoung!!"

Wooyoung could make out that there was a male at his door from the voice. "Who is this?" Wooyoung spoke up.

"Now's not the time just open the fucking door." The male answered back, his voice was loud but it was also shaking. "God damn it Wooyoung!! It's me Hongjoong! Open up for God's sake!"

Hongjoong? Was it really him?


Oh my god guys I'm so sorry for not posting in so long!! College started and I was busy with all my work. This chapter was also a pain to write. I had no idea what I wanted to include in here. I hope its good.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed! Stay safe and healthy.


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