Ten - Why?

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San Wooyoung

He'd made his way back to his prison cell, for the first time he was actually contempt with everything. After all he'd found himself a friend. His first friend, ever. Jung Wooyoung. As a child San never really had any friends at all, he'd gone to school and attended classes with other kids but he'd never had an actual friend before.

San was mostly known as 'The posh boy' or rich in other cases. And because of his social class, many people had used him to get what they wanted. Yes, kids included. You'd think that kids don't really need money. What could they possibly do with all that money? Well, his classmates often befriended San just to use him.

When he grew older and entered middle school, his classmates grew greedier. They'd befriend him and of course over time they started asking for things. 'I don't have money can you pay? I'll pay you later. Just this one time please?' They'd always said things like that and San being San, couldn't refuse. At that time he didn't know the word 'no'. So he just nodded his head and allowed them to take away his money.

Maybe he kept agreeing because he was hoping these 'friends' would stay with him. He wasn't used to being lonely, or rather he didn't like it. But over time he found himself preferring to be left alone. It was probably only until Wooyoung appeared in his life that he'd actually liked to be with someone.

At this point, Wooyoung could potentially be his first cr-

"Inmate 1017!" He'd heard a loud thud on his cell door. He turned his head to the door and listened "Come out!"

San scoffed. 'How does he expect me to come out?! It's not like I can open that door myself. This is not some home you know?!'

"Get out right now!" The man said through gritted teeth. "Hands in the hatch" San's eyes followed down to the hatch on the door, they'd used it to put cuffs on him. He thought they were past all that cuffing and restricting attitude but guess not.

He did as he was told. He knew the procedure and if he wanted to see Wooyoung then he was going to stick to it. He didn't want to risk going out of place just to please his own needs. He felt people placing the cuffs on him before he was told to step out. The door swung open and several people grabbed onto him. He pulled the apart from him and said with a snarl. "I can walk on my own."

He noticed one man telling the two holding onto him to let go and they did. The man was tall, handsome and had rather bright blonde hair. He'd seen him around a couple of times but never got round to figuring out his name and his role.

"Who even are you?" San's eyes darted to the blonde haired man.

The latter looked back at him and flashed him a grin, a not so genuine grin. "Seonghwa. Leader of the guards if you so happen to wonder. But that's not the problem right now. You have someone rather important waiting for you."

San felt a slight nudge on his back motioning for him to move so he did. 'It can't be Wooyoung. He told me he wasn't going to come today. Who could it be then?'


San Wooyoung

When the clock struck 4 pm Wooyoung called it an early day and got off work. He rarely took any new patients nowadays since he was already really busy trying to manage everything, from his work related life to his personal life. Wooyoung still hadn't worked things out between Yeosang and him. Ever since they'd had that fight over San, he'd stopped coming to Wooyoung.

Just as Wooyoung was about to exist the medical practice building, he caught sight of Yeosang entering. They'd both stood still and exchanged glances. Of course Wooyoung wanted to sort things out with his partner but he couldn't just let himself give in first. Yeosang had to realise that there are some things he shouldn't interfere with or challenge Wooyoung about.

"Where are you going?" Yeosang asked. "Don't tell me you're going to meet that guy"


ooyoung knew exactly what Yeosang meant by "that man" he was referring to San. "If by that man you mean San then no"

He watched as Yeosang's expression relaxed. "Who are you meeting then?"

"His sister, Choi Soo Ji" Wooyoung stepped forward. "I'll get going now. I'm running late."

Just as Wooyoung was going to walk past him, he felt a hand grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "Don't go"

Wooyoung looked over his shoulder "Yeosang we already spoke about this. He's my patient and I-"

"Okay, I get it. He's your patient I get that part. But why are you meeting his sister? Wooyoung you never do this for anyone! Not a single one of your other patients. Why now? Why are you starting now?" Yeosang practically pleaded for an answer.

Wooyoung sighed. "Yeo, I promise I'll talk to you later. Just please... I'm really late right now. Please wait till I finish."

Yeosang let go of Wooyoung's arm and rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll come over tonight. You better explain everything or else..."

He didn't need to finish his sentence for Wooyoung to understand what he meant. If Wooyoung did not give him a decent explanation then that's the end of them, the end of the relationship they had. So Wooyoung simply nodded. He gave Yeosang a smile before he left.

He took out keys from his pocket and unlocked his car when he was in a close proximity to it. He strode towards it and opened the driver door before sitting down and starting it.

It wasn't long before he'd reached his destination. Soo Ji's school. Luckily he'd got there just in time before the bell went. Wooyoung had already done his research before coming here so he knew exactly who he was looking for. He stepped out of the car and waited in front of the school gate. Wooyoung could feel the stares and comments that came from other female students but he paid no attention to them. His attention was fixated on finding Soo Ji. Out of several hundred students rushing to the school gate, he'd managed to spot Soo Ji from far away. Wooyoung waited till she came closer to him before making his way to her. She was on her phone and had her ear phones plugged in.

"Choi Soo Ji...?" Wooyoung asked. She looked up at him before taking out one of her ear phones.

"Sorry?" Her voice was soft and rather quiet.

"You're Choi Soo Ji right?"

She nodded. "Yes that's me. But who are you..?"

Hii!! Sorry for not posting last week I was a bit busy! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote please!

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