Twenty Five - Trust

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TW: This chapter contains mention of physical abuse, blood and violence. Read at your own risk


A few days had passed since that date with Wooyoung, they hadn't seen each other since then. San was frustrated to say the least, and even worse he was confused. He didn't know what exactly Wooyoung's feeling towards him were. Wooyoung's mouth seemed to be telling him one thing, but his actions told him another.

San quickly finished his lunch before being escorted somewhere else, possibly the meeting room, but he wasn't 100% sure. To be honest, he wasn't really in the mood for any meetings or up for talking to people, he just wanted to go back into his cell and get lost in his thoughts.

The guard escorting him nudged him into an empty meeting room, as San had predicted. San sighed loudly before sitting in the chair placed infront of the glass wall. He sat there for a couple of minutes and no one had showed up yet. Frankly, he was starting to get really frustrated.

"I'm leaving." San said as he got up.

The guard sat in the room with him stood up with him. "Sit back down."

The prisoner glared at him before clenching his jaws together and repeating his words. "I said I'm leavin-"

Just then San heard a door open and someone walking in. The door didn't open from his side. No, the visitor had arrived.

"San.." The person called out.

San had heard that voice before, it was way to familiar. He turned around slowly and locked eyes with- "Soo Ji?"

A slight smile spread across her face before nodding. "It's been a while Sannie..."

He walked up to the glass wall slowly, clearly still in shock. San lifted his hand up slowly and placed it on the glass barrier. "Is that really you?"

She smiled and nodded again. "It is me."

"I don't believe you..." His eyes scanned her entire face, he could clearly tell it was his sister. But his brain was refusing to accept the fact that Soo Ji came for him.

"Jeez Sannie. How long are you going to keep this up? Its me Choi Soo Ji your one and only younger sister."

San looked around a couple of times. "Where's mom? She came with you didn't she?" When his sister didn't reply he sighed. "She didn't come huh..."

"I tried to convince her to come, I really did. I don't think she's ready to meet you yet. I'm sorry San."

He nodded slowly before slumping into his chair. "Its okay... how did you know I was here?"

"Wooyoung told me to visit you."

San sucked in a harsh breath. "Manners. It's Doctor Jung to you."

Soo Ji rolled her eyes before pulling a chair and sitting down infront of the glass barrier. "Same thing, he's going to be family soon anyways I might as well drop the formalities."

"Soo Ji!"

"What? Did I lie? I know you liked the thought of him being family." When San didn't reply she smirked and continued. "See! I was right. You do like him! Oh do spill some tea bro."

San chuckled. He hasn't felt this relaxed in a long time, being around his sister certainly calmed him down. "Well... We went out a few days ago-"

"No you did not! A date?! You went on a date?! Oh my god that's so cute!! I ship it. Do carry on! What happened on this date?" Soo Ji burst out.

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