Fourteen - His feelings

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San Wooyoung

A week had passed since that particular day. The day where Wooyoung first began to suspect his partner's involvement in an affair. One that allegedly happened in Japan with non other than Park Seonghwa.

There was also one other thing that was plaguing his mind but he didn't want to think about it just yet. He was busy, and having such useless speculations wasn't going to get his work done.

Wooyoung sighed before getting up from his chair to stretch his muscles. He'd locked himself in his office the whole day, it was his way of telling himself 'Stop procrastinating and get some work done.'

To some extent that worked and he got many things done, but from time to time he got bored. Like... Really bored. And often, his mind wandered, he'd think about Yeosang and Seonghwa, and also that man.

He shook the thoughts out of his head and went back to work. He pressed a button on his intercom and called in his next patient. It wasn't long before he heard a knock on his door and an old woman stepped in with what seemed like her husband beside her. Wooyoung smiled before standing up to greet them with a polite bow. "Hello, grandma (할머니 halmeoni). Hello grandad (할아버지 harabeoji). How have you been?"

"We're good son, how about you?" The old man replied.

Wooyoung took a liking to this couple, they'd visited him a few times and they'd always treated him well. "I'm good now that I've seen you." He laughed quietly.

They both laughed in reply before taking a seat in front of Wooyoung's desk. Wooyoung remained standing until they told him to sit down, he's polite like that. "Sit down Doctor. Don't let us stop you."

Wooyoung smiled before taking a seat. He leaned forward and looked at the old woman, Mrs Park. "How have you been grandma? Is the medication working for you?"

Mrs Park had been experiencing tremors and hallucinations when she first came to him. At some point they'd gotten so bad that she couldn't sleep and eventually ended up fainting due to it. Luckily Wooyoung specialised in this field and she ended up getting referred to him. With him, her condition slowly improved. Although the tremors were still there, her hallucinations lessened with every time they met.

"I haven't been experiencing any hallucinations lately. It's been over a week or more and they don't come to me anymore." She replied.

"Is that so? That's great then isn't it." Wooyoung reached out and held her hand. Although it was wrinkly and worn out, it felt smooth and warm. It reminded him a lot of his grandmother. "Let's do one more check up and see how much your condition improved."

He stood up before letting go of her hand. "If you'd like to follow me to the other room please." He made his way to where Mrs Park was sat and helped her up. They made their way to the examination room where they were met with one of Wooyoung's female coworkers. "Is the room set up Chae Min?"

She nodded. "Yes sir." Chae Min was one of the few nurses that remained with Wooyoung and Yeosang ever since they opened this business 3 years ago. She's proved to be quite an asset to their team over the years, and had been promoted to head nurse a few months ago.

After a few examination of Mrs Park's brain, Wooyoung had come to the conclusion that she no longer needed much help anymore. He stepped inside the examination room to break the good news to the couple.

"How does it look son?" Mr Park asked, a hint of worry written across his face.

Wooyoung looked at Mrs Park before delivering the news to her. "It's great! There's no visible problems that I can see. Your condition has improved massively and you're good to go. I'll need to check up on you 3 months from now and if no problems start, then I'd say you're good to go" Wooyoung could see the sense of relief and happiness on their faces. "As I mentioned before, the hand tremors are just symptoms of aging. You can learn to control them in no time. If you'd like I can suggest another doctor for you to see, he has managed to reduce tremors on patients before. And produced excellent results. What do you say?"

The couple glanced at each other once and without any words needed they'd come to a conclusion. "That would be great. Thank you for everything you've done so far." They each stood up and reached out to shake Wooyoung's hand. He shook it politely making sure his left hand was underneath his right. They'd exchanged their last goodbyes before the couple left the room, leaving Wooyoung alone again.

He glanced over at the digital clock on his desk. 19:46 pm. Exactly 14 minutes before they'd close the clinic for the night, and exactly 4 minutes till Yeosang walks through that door so they could leave together.

Wooyoung didn't know how to feel about the whole situation between him and Yeosang. Maybe he was over thinking everything and letting tiny things get the best of their relationship. So, he decided to trust Yeosang. Wooyoung wasn't about to ruin the thing they had going on over some useless thoughts that may or may not be wrong.

He was soon snapped out of his train of thoughts when he heard a knock on his door. The wooden door had swung open to reveal his partner. "Hi baby. You're done right?" Yeosang asked.

Wooyoung nodded. "Nearly. I just need to finish typing up this report and then I'm yours"

"I think we already confirmed that part." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yeosang smirking.

Wooyoung was to focused on finishing up the report that he didn't quite follow what Yeosang was saying. "Hmm? Which part?"

"The 'I'm yours' part." He walked up to Wooyoung and sat down on the edge of his desk, causing him to stop typing and look at the latter.

"Debatable." He chuckled causing Yeosang to laugh along with him.

"Is that a test?" Yeosang inched closer. "Should I claim you right here and now?" He leaned down a bit closer than before.

Wooyoung gulped slightly before placing his hands on Yeosang's chest, and might he add it was firm. "I need to get this report done, and it's the other way round. Don't forget I'm the top." He slowly pushed Yeosang away from him before he began typing again.

He could feel the tension in the room, from both sides. They both wanted each other, to feel each other but now was not the time. Furthermore, Wooyoung wasn't quite ready anymore. Before, when he had his feelings in check, he wanted nothing more than to claim Yeosang's body.

But now... his feelings were a bit out of place and if he could just about delay the outcome of this sexual tension a little longer, then maybe, just maybe he'd be able to sort out his feelings. For a little while, physical contact will be off limits to anyone. Although, Wooyoung had his doubts about how long that might last...

Sorry if this chapter wasn't good. I wanted to add a little filler chapter so that you'd understand the back story a bit more (?)

Thank you for reading! Dont forget to vote and comment. Stay safe and healthy. Love you!

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