Six - Tension

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San  Wooyoung

San couldn't deny that unnerving feeling that something was off about that doctor. He seemed nice yes, but there's no way he could trust that man. After all he did just totally say that San was not human. And if that doctor wanted San to trust him then that wasn't the right first step.

San leaned back in his chair and stared at the younger, waiting for an answer to the question he previously asked.

"You are... Human" Wooyoung started. "I made a mistake with the way I phrased that I apologise"

'He apologised?' San smirked. 'Maybe getting out of here is easier than I expected.'

San got up and stared at Wooyoung, his expression totally changed. He seemed scared. The corners of San's lips turned. Before he turned to walk out of that room.

"San!" San stopped as he listened to what the younger wanted to say. "It's nice meeting you. I hope we can work together."

San laughed quietly before walking out. Mingi grabbed onto him and led him away. They walked the same way they did before, but when they reached his cell, they did not stop. San took a quick glance at the tall man beside him. His expression, unreadable.

San wasn't sure as to where they were going he's never been past his cell before. However, this gave him an opportunity to see where else this prison could lead to. After all it would help him out when it came to bailing himself out, and so he took to personally memorising every single route possible.

Mingi stopped infront of a cell and opened the door. San looked inside and saw a small figure in there. He laughed to himself as he realised what was going on.

"In" Mingi's deep voice echoed,
San glared at him. Mingi seemed to slightly push him in to the cell, San resisted. He still had those darn chains on him. He lifted his hand up and rattled his chains.

"Take them off" San had to look up at Mingi to see his face, but he wasn't the least bit intimidated. He knew what Mingi's weak points are and he wasn't afraid to pull a few strings if the situation called for it. "Take them off now" He repeated.

"I have orders not to. Now go in" San sighed not removing his eyes from his guard.

San chuckled quietly before stepping closer towards Mingi. "If I remember correctly... There's a no dating policy right?"
He watched as the older's eyes widened slowly "You wouldn't want me to go and accidentally say something about what you do at night now would you?"

San very much enjoyed the reaction the latter was giving him. "You and.. Yunho was it? That was quite a show you did last night"

Mingi grabbed onto San's collar and pulled him closer to him and with a threatening tone uttered "Don't you dare say his name. Do you hear me?

"Oh... I heard you well last night. Who knew your voice could sound like that" San smirked. He shoved Mingi away from him, the rattle of chains echoing. "I've always wondered... Who's the one receiving?"

San couldn't dodge before he felt Mingi's fist connect with his face. He stumbled back, his back hitting the wall. He watched as Mingi charged for him. Grabbing his collar with one hand whilst his other repeatedly made contact with San.

With every hit San received, a low laugh would escape his mouth. 'This is going as planned..'

San heard a few words escape Mingi's mouth. And at that moment he snapped. The odds were turned. San pushed the older onto the floor and repeated what Mingi did to him, adding more force and power into each hit. Although the chains proved a struggle at first, San managed to use them to his benefit. He would have gone on further, maybe deformed him at least, had it not been for the armed forces practically ripping the two apart. With that, San was placed in lock down.

San  Wooyoung

Puzzled and confused, Wooyoung went through all his work sheets and files. It was hard trying to balance his actual work, private work with San and his private life. To say the least he felt somewhat exhausted. He enjoyed working with San, not because there was any personal feelings attached. No. Its the fact that his work proved to be a challenge and frankly he enjoyed challenging himself.

At times he wondered just why he puts himself through all these things. Wooyoung was all about keeping things simple and not involving himself in things that didn't involve him. He is very simple minded yet extremely hard working. And although his case with San was work based, he couldn't deny the fact that he seemed to be over thinking things a lot more than usual. And that wasn't helping him achieve anything.

He opened up a document and began typing up everything that happened with San today and practically everything that came out of his mouth. This, after all, was part of his job and he couldn't ignore that. His fingers started moving, the sound of pressed keys echoed through the room.

Patient: Choi San


, Dr Jung Wooyoung had a one to one with patient Choi San (inmate 1017. He stated that 'he doesn't feel comfortable talking here.'

I believe that the patient has reason to believe that he shouldn't trust the police or in fact anyone becau.../

Wooyoung shook his head slightly as he reread everything he just wrote. Something just didn't feel quite right. So he decided to get rid of it

I believe that the patient has reason to believe that he shouldn't trust the poli.../

I believe that the patient.../

I believe that the patient needs more sessions with me before I can diagnose him, therefore I request more one to one sessions with him./

Dr Jung Wooyoung

He sighed before saving the document under a folder named 'Choi San'. He was supposed to send a copy of the medical analysis to Jongho but he was too tired to do it right now. It was already 23:36 pm and he supposed that Jongho would probably be busy at this time.

He heard a knock on his door, he closed his laptop and called for them to come in. A familiar face appeared and flashed him a wide smile. Wooyoung felt a blast of emotions course through his body. He immediately got out of his chair and headed to the door. Wooyoung wrapped his arms around the man in front of him and held him in a tight embrace.

Wooyoung had not seen the man standing infront of him for what seemed like 5 months. And now that he was standing infront Wooyoung, Wooyoung couldn't feel relieved that the other was back.

"I missed you" Wooyoung whispered. The man wrapped his arms around Wooyoung, and the two just stood there enjoying each others company.

"I missed you too honey"

Who do you think this person is? And what do you think their relationship with Wooyoung is?
Don't forget to comment and vote! Also.. Is this chapter long enough? Or should I make it even longer?

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