Nine - Just A Favor

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San  Wooyoung

San spoke and Wooyoung just listened, he spoke about his family, about why he killed, how his killing spree started, or maybe not a killing spree to be exact. He himself wasn't sure what to believe exactly, nothing made sense to him anymore. Yet the slightest part of him felt the need to trust and believe San's every word. So he just listened.

"Doctor, do you have any siblings?" San asked in a quiet tone.

Wooyoung nodded slightly. "Yes. A younger brother. Why?" He waited for San to answer his question but that didn't seem to happen anytime soon. The latter stared off into blank space.

"I have a younger sister, Choi Soo Ji, believe it or not we're quite close to each other. She used to call me cute nicknames. Her laugh was also really cute, and well frankly I miss her. I sometimes also wonder if she's doing okay... Did she pass her high school entrance exam? How is she finding her new school? But more importantly I want to know if she's having a hard time... I mean, she's my sister. She's a criminal's sister. If I think about it that way.. I find myself blaming myself rather than the monster that turned me into this." He sighed before turning to look at me, his eyes were soft and for a moment he looked like every normal human. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Hmm?" Wooyoung felt rather surprised by the sudden question. "What is it?"

"Check on Soo Ji for me, tell her that her brother is really sorry for what he did and that he hopes she's living a good life without being brought down by his actions" He chuckled quietly, maybe it was his way of getting rid of the built up feelings. "That's all... Can you do that for me?"

Wooyoung nodded. He didn't understand what he was doing. Or rather, why he was doing something for Choi San. However, he felt like it was necessary, maybe even part of his job. Wooyoung didn't really care how hard the task might be, as long as his client is happy, then well... He's happy. Simple as. "Of course I'll do it"

Wooyoung's eyes widened when he saw a genuine smile form on San's face. "Thank you, thank you very much"

He smiled back at the man sitting beside him before he found himself thinking 'This is finally it. He's opening up to me, maybe this talk needed to happen more often. I mean I'd be glad if it did. I'd get to see him more often an-' Wooyoung shook his head slightly to get rid of the thoughts that started to build up in his mind. 'Calm down Wooyoung, he's just one of your many patients. There's nothing more or nothing less. He's just a patient. Yeah.. Just a patient. I have Yeosang, right. Choi San is just a patient' Wooyoung found himself repeating those four words in his mind over and over again. 'He's just a patient'

He didn't understand why it was taking him this long to understand that Choi San is nothing more than a mere patient to him. "Hey San- ah I mean.. Choi Sa- god, you don't like to be called that either" Wooyoung rubbed the back of his head, he was unsure of how he should address the latter.

"San is fine" He spoke up. "Can I call you Wooyoung? I want to drop all the formalities now that you know everything. And you're helping me out so I... You know-"

Wooyoung nodded, a smile forming on his face "Yeah, you can call me Wooyoung"

"And if I wanted to call you Woo?" Wooyoung's eyes widened. There's only two people in this world that ever called him by that nickname. His mum, and his boyfriend. No one else. He found himself unsure of what to say. So San replied instead. "I'll take that as a no I guess."

"No! I mean yes. Wait. No. Ah what the hell.." Wooyoung stuttered. He heard a low laugh escape San's mouth and honestly it felt like music to his ears.

San looked up at him and flashed him a big grin "Make your point up already, is it a yes or no?"

"Yes. You can call me Woo, but only when it's us two okay?" Wooyoung didn't understand why he let San call him by that nickname. Maybe a small part of him wanted San to be one of the people who called him by that name. But by doing so, did that mean he made San one of his most important people?

"Deal. Anyways what were you going to say Woo?" Wooyoung knew that San was going to slide that nickname in at least every sentence just to see his reaction. What San didn't know was that just by asking to call him that, he'd already made Wooyoung go crazy.

"Oh um..." He didn't quite remember what he needed to say so it took him a while to remember. Thankfully San waited patiently while Wooyoung organised his thoughts. "Oh yeah, I was wondering if you'd like to do this more often. You know go for a little walk alone, talk about things, just you and I. What do you say?"

San raised an eyebrow up. "How often?"

"I don't know I'd have to check with Jongho, you know the man in charge of this prison."

The latter shook his head in disappointment "You know he won't agree to it. He's a hard man to crack."

Wooyoung didn't deny what San said but neither did he fully agree. He'd picked up on a few things San had told him during their conversation, and those few things could turn the tables to his favour. Of course he wasn't going to play all his cards, that's not how the game works now. You can't win a game if you've shown everything to your opponent. Slowly but surely the two men would bring down this corrupt system. It didn't matter how long it took or what might happen in the process. As long as the goal was the same and nothing remained unchanged then they'd both try their hardest. Yes, Wooyoung was now on San's side and there was nothing or no one that could change his mind.

Wooyoung smiled at San. "I've got a few cards up my sleeve don't you worry. And also, you asked me earlier what my game was..." San frowned as he waited for Wooyoung to continue. "I told you I didn't have one, but how about we start one together? Hand in hand. I'll help you get out of here and in return you promise to listen to me. Okay?"

San took a while to consider Wooyoung's offer before he nodded. "Deal." He flashed a wide grin at Wooyoung. "Did I tell you I really like you?"

Wooyoung laughed. "Yes San. I really like you too"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you guys think and don't forget to vote please!

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