Twenty Six - Secret Base

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He had gotten of work earlier than he'd expected, his boss had given him the evening off so he could rest a little. However, Hongjoong being Hongjoong, decided he was going to use this opportunity to visit the place San had told him about. Afterall, he probably isn't going to find a better time than now. Hongjoong grabbed his car keys from his desk and threw on his coat before leaving his office and heading down to the company car park.

After nearly a full hour of driving, he had finally reached his destination. The lawyer had no clue why San decided to get a hide out in a completely new city, but it made sense. It was basic criminal behaviour. Those who had something to hide would ensure they hid it really far away from their home. The further the better. According to the criminals Hongjoong had worked with, a hide out in the middle of nowhere made sure the likelihood of their crimes being discovered is completely low. Of course he wasn't saying San was a high degree criminal, but his behaviour told Hongjoong otherwise.

Once he'd found a perfect parking spot in the middle of a practical jungle, he got out of his car and proceeded to the hide out cautiously. By the time it took him to get here in the first place, it was already dark and gloomy. He couldn't risk attracting more attention to himself. Not that there were any other human beings around... hopefully not.

Hongjoong sighed quietly before taking out the key San had told him where to find. He cautiously placed it into the key hole and turned. The lock got stuck for a little bit but after a shaking the key inside, Hongjoong managed to open the door. A loud creaking noise echoed as he opened the front door. He was getting those horror movie vibes and frankly he didn't like it.

The black haired took out a torch from his bag and prayed to god nothing popped up infront of him when be turned it on. Thankfully nothing did happen. Maybe Hongjoong was overthinking too much in this situation. He needed to tone his imagination down a lot.

The house looked to be in perfectly good shape, it looked brand new in fact. Near the entrance was a light switch which Hongjoong tried fiddling around with but no lights turned on, as he'd expected. Right at the end of the entrance was what seemed to be a living room with stairs on the right hand wall leading to another floor.

According to what Hongjoong had heard from the blonde, the files were equally distributed around several parts of the house. To make matters worse, it is nearly impossible to get to them and being in complete darkness wasn't helping in any way. San had insured that if anyone were to find this location, they'd sure have a hard time finding anything.

Hongjoong took out his small A5 sized notebook and flicked open to a page. On that page was a list of location's the younger had given him to help with finding the files. Hongjoong laughed nervously as he read his notes. "Flip the couch upside down and cut open a hole in the fabric... Move the dining table away from the back wall and measure precisely 178 cm from the corner to the kitchen counter, then proceed to make a hole in the wal-"

"Oh for gods sake Choi San! You couldn't make this any harder. What is this a treasure hunt?!" He thought about his last words before realising this really was a treasure hunt, if Hongjoong manages to win this case, he would be in for a lot of rewards. Maybe a promotion if that was possible.

He wasted no more time thinking and procrastinating, and began his treasure hunt. After what seemed like half an hour of endless searching, he'd managed to find two out of the 10 pieces of evidence San had told him about. And that included the evidence he'd found in the couch and in the boy's god damn wall. To make matters worse, Hongjoong had to make sure everything was back in its place and nothing seemed suspicious.

As he was cleaning up the hole he made in the wall with a wall filler he found under the sink, Hongjoong heard a sudden noise outside. "Shit" He muttered. What ever it was out there, most definitely was not an animal.

The lawyer quickly grabbed all his belongings and scrambled to the closest hiding spot he could find and fit in. Due to his small size, the best he could do was hide underneath the couch. The front door soon opened and he heard someone walk his way. Hongjoong prayed with all heart that it was some sort of deer that had somehow wandered in, but even he knew that wasn't the case.

Hongjoong saw a pair of feet walk into the living room, followed by a few other. At least 3 people were in the house, and from what Hongjoong could tell by their shoe size, they were all male and all seemed to be well built.

"Search this house." One of them ordered. "I want every single corner of this house to be searched. Leave nothing unflipped."

"Yes sir!" The other two replied.

Hongjoongs eyes widened in shock, his jaw was clenched in fear. He tried his hard to calm down his breathing. Hongjoong watched as the two men started flipping objects around him. They began with the huge cabinet on the other side of the room. It fell with a huge thud, followed by shards of glass flying everywhere. A piece of glass made its way near the couch, the black haired stared at it for a minute before feeling the need to grab a hold of it.

He was scared, he had only one chance and if he failed his cover would be blown. Hongjoong breathed in quietly before inching himself forwards to get a closer look. Everyone had his back to him, without any further time wasted, he quickly grabbed the shard of glass and pulled his arm back in.

To his surprise blood started trickling down his hand and dripping on to the floor. Hongjoong opened his hand slightly and winced at the pain that came along with it. "Shit." He muttered underneath his breath.

"Shh!" One of the men spoke up. "Did you hear something?"

Hongjoong covered his mouth with his now bloodied hand and remained completely still. He even tried to limit his breathing but even he knew that wasn't going to help him now. He had completely screwed up.

"No sir..." The other two replied while shifting around and throwing a few more items on the floor.

"There's definitely someone in here with us. I'm sure." The leader spoke quietly.

He began walking around the room slightly and searching around for Hongjoong. Hongjoongs heart hammered against his chest and he started sweating. A pair of feet stopped infront of him facing him before a laugh echoed. "Found you"


I'm not even gonna try explaining why I'm so late in posting 😭😭 I'm sorry for keeping you waiting often. I'm currently on holiday so I'll try to keep posting chapters. Anyways... how was your week? Anything good happen?

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Dont forget to vote and comment if you liked it! Stay safe and healthy.


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