Chapter 9

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The ride seemed to last forever, but the sky seemed to darken the farther we went. I sat next to River, who was snoring. The cold metal seat was uncomfortable and something was poking me in my back. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it. I eventually drifted off to the darkness that is sleep.

• • •

When I came to, River was gone and the sky was dark. I unbuckled myself from my seat and slid the metal door open. Now I knew why it was so dark, there was no sky. I stepped onto a concrete floor, my foot steps echoing against the concrete walls. There were gas tanks and water tanks that built walls, almost like a maze. I walked straight ahead. There had to be a door somewhere. I weaved around the tanks, lost in the maze. Until finally, what seemed like hours, I found a door. I gripped the handle and opened the door. People walked by, a buzz of talking filled the air. I closed the door behind me. The floor wasn't a floor, it was a catwalk all along the four huge walls, rooms and doors lined the walls. I walked to the edge of the railing, and looked up. the cat walk just kept going up and up and up. It seemed to last forever. This was Thirteen, but how deep are we? How is it possible for a whole civilization to live underground? A voice was clear through the buzz.
"Peeta!" A woman in grey hugged me. Her dress was grey, like everyone else's clothes, but it was in a strange design. I couldn't recognize the woman.
"Who are you?" I asked. She laughed, that laugh, I knew it.
"Effie!" And hugged her.
It was Effie, the woman who made us hole, who made Haymitch, Katniss, her, and I a team.
It was Effie, the woman who was like a mother to me.
I seemed to hug her forever.

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