Chapter 12

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Months had gone by, and soon it had been a year since I had left Twelve. Since I had left Madge. What was our child? Boy or girl? I may never know. It pains me to think that I may never know my child, that he or she won't know who their father is.
Haymitch and River were still running around and disappearing, every time I mentioned it to Effie she would just wave her hand and, in her Capital accent, say, "Don't go putting your nose in their business. It's very unbecoming."
But how can I not?
I had been introduced to President Coin and I had a meeting with her today. Snow had been saying that I had died tragically, Coin wanted to make the first move. After I finished my breakfast I headed to the elevator and it brought me to her office. I opened the steel door and saw her sitting there in her grey suit. "Please sit down, Peeta." I sat a few seats away from her.
"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I ask. She tapped her fingertips on the table. "I wanted to make a video of you, saying you're alive and well. That you want to put the Hunger Games to an end peacefully."
"That's all?"
She nods. "That's all."
I think about it. I do want the Games to end. Without thinking, the words come out of my mouth.
"Okay, I don't see why not."
She stood up. "Lovely. Can we film tomorrow?"

• • •

The next day I was a grey suit instead of a jumper, and Effie had plastered my face with makeup. I was sitting in a chair facing a camera.
"Remember," Coin's voice came through the speaker. "Just be honest."
Just be honest. How honest can it get?
"Five...... four........three.......two.....go!"
"This is a message for President Snow, for Panem. I am alive, I am well. I didn't die some tragic way President Snow had told you all. I am in Thirteen and I ask one thing from President Snow." I look over at Effie and she gives me a thumbs up. What would I do without her? I think back to the first Games, I had hated Capital people. The way they had enjoyed watching children killing each other, and all for what? Their entertainment of course.
"Peeta!" Someone whispered.
I snapped back to reality and stared back into the camera.
"End the Hunger Games. We don't want anymore blood spilt, we ask for peace. If you refuse we will fight back."
"CUT!" Coin shouted. I could see her swing the door open from her little control box and slam the door. "What one earth are you thinking?! This was live! We will fight back? We didn't agree to this!" She voice was rising into a shout.
Oh was she fuming.
"You said to be honest. If they don't do what we say, I want to fight back. I don't want to live underground for the rest of my life, I want to know my kid can live in peace and not die before they can get a job."
"Your kid? Your kid could die because of you, if it isn't already. You don't even know them, you brat. You just killed us all." grey strands of hair were falling into her face. She stomped out.
"Peeta?" Effie walked over to me. I was fighting back tears. "I think we both know the real reason you want to fight back. I miss Katniss too, darling. But avenging her isn't going to bring her back." her voice was soothing and gentle. Almost like how a mother's should be. I look at her and she gives me a small smile.
"Come on, lets get that makeup off you."

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